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Time-Weighted Average Price(Twap) New Order(TRADE)

API Description

Place a new spot TWAP order with Algo service.

HTTP Request

POST /sapi/v1/algo/spot/newOrderTwap

Request Weight(UID)


Request Parameters

symbolSTRINGYESTrading symbol eg. BTCUSDT
sideENUMYESTrading side ( BUY or SELL )
quantityDECIMALYESQuantity of base asset; Maximum notional per order is 200k, 2mm or 10mm, depending on symbol. Please reduce your size if you order is above the maximum notional per order.
durationLONGYESDuration for TWAP orders in seconds. [300, 86400]
clientAlgoIdSTRINGNOA unique id among Algo orders (length should be 32 characters), If it is not sent, we will give default value
limitPriceDECIMALNOLimit price of the order; If it is not sent, will place order by market price by default
  • Total Algo open orders max allowed: 20 orders.

Response Example

"clientAlgoId": "65ce1630101a480b85915d7e11fd5078",
"success": true,
"code": 0,
"msg": "OK"