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Fast API can help users quickly authorize specific account permissions, create API keys, and automatically connect to third-party API link platforms. For more details, please refer to the FAQ.

Onboarding Steps

  1. Log in Binance Developer center with verified entity(enterprise) account
  2. Apply for "Entity KYB" & "OAuth Security KYB"
  3. Once both passed, client can create "Client ID", upload "logo(60 x60)" and set up "callback url". We will send an Email that include “Client ID” and “Client Secret”(please do not share your Client secret with anyone)
  4. Download the SDK for utilizing the pop up dialogues.
  5. Apply for the oAuth scopes required.
  6. Start development of oAuth and Fast API.

Minimum requirements for Fast API:

  • account:status
  • create:apikey (For Spot & Margin trading permission, and Futures trading permission) Or create:apikey:margin (For Margin Loan, repay, and Transfer permission) Or create:apikey:options (For European Options Trading permission)
  • user:openId


  1. The baseurl is ""
  2. When Link clients start to use oAuth, they will get their unique “Client ID” and “Client secret”.
  3. When each User grants permission via oAuth, the Link client will get an unique “User’s open ID” and an "Access token".
  4. Access token will be expired once the User’s API key is generated.
  5. Each user account can only use the Fast API to connect with Each Link client Once.
  6. Link client need to provide a public key for encrypting User’s API key, when requesting the API generation. Additionally, Link clients should be able to decrypt the API key package, and store it safely.
  7. When Link client request to generate a user's API key, it should state clearly if this API key should have certain permission(s). In request params:
  • enableTrade → whether to enable Spot & Margin Trading
  • enableFutureTrade → whether to enable Futures Trading
  • enableMargin → whether to enable Margin Loan, Repay and Transfer
  • enableEuropeanOptions → whether to enable European Options Trading
  1. To know if a user has a Futures account, Link client should use Oauth to check the user's status.and show the necessary Front end UI to allow the user to select. The standard Front end is provided as a SDK.

Common Error messages


  • Invalid public key. Solution:
  1. Do not use pem format
  2. Encode the Public key


  • API generation failed.


  • Each account can only generate one API key for a certain third party via Fast API.


  • You have reached the API Key limit. Please delete the unused ones to create new API Keys.


  • There may be multi error starting with 2000039, which represents the error message related to compliance.