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Change Log


  • Following the latest upgrade on Binance Loans

    • Binance Loans has added the following /v2 SAPI endpoints at 2024-02-27 08:00 (UTC). Users may utilize v2 SAPI endpoints to place, repay, and manage new Binance Loans (Flexible Rate) orders created after 2024-02-27 08:00 (UTC).

      • POST /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/borrow
      • GET /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/ongoing/orders
      • GET /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/borrow/history
      • POST /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/repay
      • GET /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/repay/history
      • POST /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/adjust/ltv
      • GET /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/ltv/adjustment/history
      • GET /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/loanable/data
      • GET /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/collateral/data
    • In addition, Binance Loans will be retiring its /v1 SAPI endpoints at the following timings:

      • At 2024-02-27 08:00 (UTC):
        • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/borrow
        • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/loanable/data
        • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/collateral/data
      • At 2024-04-24 03:00 (UTC):
        • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/ongoing/orders
        • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/repay
        • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/adjust/ltv
    • Binance Loans will also continue to maintain the following /v1 SAPI endpoints for users to check their Binance Loans (Flexible Rate) order history before 2024-02-27 08:00 (UTC).

      • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/borrow/history
      • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/repay/history
      • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/ltv/adjustment/history


  • New endpoint for Crypto Loans:
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/borrow: flexible Loan borrow
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/ongoing/orders: get flexible loan ongoing orders
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/borrow/history: Get flexible loan borrow history
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/repay: flexible loan repay
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/repay/history: Get flexible loan repayment history
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/adjust/ltv: adjust flexible Loan adjust LTV
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/ltv/adjustment/history: Get Flexible loan LTV adjustment history
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/loanable/data:Get flexible loan assets data
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/flexible/collateral/data: Get flexible loan collateral assets data


  • Adjusted endpoints for Crypto Loan:
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/borrow: paramater loanTerm is restricted to 7 or 30


  • New endpoints for Crypto Loan:
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/loanable/data: Get interest rate and borrow limit of loanable assets. The borrow limit is shown in USD value.
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/collateral/data: Get LTV information and collateral limit of collateral assets. The collateral limit is shown in USD value.
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/repay/collateral/rate: Get the the rate of collateral coin / loan coin when using collateral repay, the rate will be valid within 8 second.
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/customize/margin_call: Customize margin call for ongoing orders only.


  • New endpoints for Crypto Loan
    • POST /sapi/v1/loan/borrow: Borrow - Crypto Loan Borrow
    • GET /sapi/v1/loan/borrow/history: Borrow - Get Loan Borrow History
    • GET/sapi/v1/loan/ongoing/orders: Borrow - Get Loan Ongoing Orders
    • POST/sapi/v1/loan/repay: Repay - Crypto Loan Repay
    • GET/sapi/v1/loan/repay/history: Repay - Get Loan Repayment History
    • POST/sapi/v1/loan/adjust/ltv: Adjust LTV - Crypto Loan Adjust LTV
    • GET/sapi/v1/loan/ltv/adjustment/history: Adjust LTV - Get Loan LTV Adjustment History


  • New endpoint for Crypto Loans:
    • New endpointGET /sapi/v1/loan/incometo support user query crypto loans income history