Subscribe Dual Investment products(USER_DATA)
API Description
Subscribe Dual Investment products
HTTP Request
POST /sapi/v1/dci/product/subscribe
Request Weight
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
id | STRING | YES | get id from /sapi/v1/dci/product/list |
orderId | STRING | YES | get orderId from /sapi/v1/dci/product/list |
depositAmount | DECIMAL | YES | the amount for subscribing |
autoCompoundPlan | ENUM | YES | NONE : switch off the plan, STANDARD :standard plan,ADVANCED :advanced plan |
recvWindow | LONG | NO | 该值不能大于 60000 |
timestamp | LONG | YES |
Failed messages:
- Products are not available. // this means APR changes to lower value, or orders are not unavailable.
- Failed. This means System or network errors.
Response Example
"positionId": 10208824,
"investCoin": "BNB",
"exercisedCoin": "USDT",
"subscriptionAmount": "0.002",
"duration": 4,
"autoCompoundPlan": "STANDARD", //STANDARD, ADVANCED, this field won't display when autocompound is set to None
"strikePrice": "380",
"settleDate": 1709020800000,
"purchaseStatus": "PURCHASE_SUCCESS",
"apr": "0.7397",
"orderId": 8259117597,
"purchaseTime": 1708677583874,
"optionType": "CALL"