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Query Split

API used to query profit sharing orders.


POST /binancepay/openapi/profitsharing/v1/query-split

Request Parameters#

merchantRequestIdstringY1 <= length <= 32The unique identifier from the merchant for this split request.
prepayOrderIdstringYThe unique order id generated by binance when you create the order.

Sample Request Parameter#

{    "merchantRequestId": "my_request_1234",    "prepayOrderId": "123456789"}

Response Parameters#

statusstringY"SUCCESS" or "FAIL"status of the API request
codestringY-request result code, refer to
dataResponseN-response body, refer to
errorMessagestringNmaximum length 256

Child Attribute#


splitOrderNostringYlength = 18Split order ID
merchantRequestIdstringY1 <= size <= 32Merchant's request ID
prepayOrderIdstringYPrepay order ID
receiverOrderDetailsList(SplitReceiverOrderDetail)YReceiver split detail, refer to


accountstringYAccount ID
amountdecimalYAmount to split for this account
failReasonstringYmax length = 128Failed reason (if any)
detailIdstringYlength = 18Split detail ID
statusintYPROCESSING(1), SUCCESS(2), FAIL(3)
finishTimelongYUnix timestamp(seconds) when split order detail was processed

Sample Response#

{  "status": "SUCCESS",  "code": "000000",  "data": {    "splitOrderNo": "12345",    "merchantRequestId": "1234567",    "prepayOrderId": "123456789",    "status": 0,    "receiverOrderDetails": [      {        "account" : "12345678",        "amount": 2.5,        "detailId": 1000001,        "status": 2,        "finishTime": 1679044272      }    ]  }}
{  "status": "FAIL",  "code": "400209",  "errorMessage": "order not found or order status is not success"}

Result Code#

UNKNOWN_ERROR400000An unknown error occurred while processing the request.Try again later
INVALID_REQUEST400001Parameter format is wrong or parameter transferring doesn't follow the rules.Please check whether the parameters are correct.
INVALID_SIGNATURE400002Incorrect signature resultCheck whether the signature parameter and method comply with signature algorithm requirements.
INVALID_TIMESTAMP400003Timestamp for this request is outside of the time window.Sync server clock
INVALID_API_KEY_OR_IP400004API identity key not found or invalid.Check API identity key
BAD_API_KEY_FMT400005API identity key format invalid.Check API identity key.
BAD_HTTP_METHOD400006Request method not supported.Check Request method.
MEDIA_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED400007Media type not supported.Check Request Media type.
INVALID_REQUEST_BODY400008Request body is not a valid json object.Check Request body
MANDATORY_PARAM_EMPTY_OR_MALFORMED400100A parameter was missing/empty/null, or malformed.
INVALID_PARAM_WRONG_LENGTH400101A parameter was not valid, was empty/null, or too long/short, or wrong format.
INVALID_PARAM_WRONG_VALUE400102A parameter was not valid, the value is out of range.
INVALID_PARAM_ILLEGAL_CHAR400103A parameter was not valid, contains illegal characters
INVALID_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE400104Invalid request, content length too large
PAYMENT_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND400601Account not found
ORDER_STATUS_INVALID400209Order not found or order status is not success
NO_PROFIT_SHARE_MARK400210Order can not split revenue
PROFIT_SPLIT_AMOUNT_INVALID400211Split amount larger than the max rate
ORDER_STATUS_NOT_END400212Exists frozen amount, can not split
SAME_ACCOUNT400213Same account repeated
RECEIVER_INVALID400214Receiver not bind
NO_AVAILABLE_SPLIT_AMOUNT400215No available split amount
REQ_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS400216RequestId has been submitted