Flexible Loan Repay(TRADE)
API Description
Flexible Loan Repay
HTTP Request
POST /sapi/v2/loan/flexible/repay
Request Weight
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
loanCoin | STRING | YES | |
collateralCoin | STRING | YES | |
repayAmount | DECIMAL | YES | |
collateralReturn | BOOLEAN | NO | Default: TRUE. TRUE: Return extra collateral to spot account; FALSE: Keep extra collateral in the order, and lower LTV. |
fullRepayment | BOOLEAN | NO | Default: FALSE. TRUE: Full repayment; FALSE: Partial repayment, based on loanAmount |
recvWindow | LONG | NO | |
timestamp | LONG | YES |
- repayAmount is mandatory even fullRepayment = FALSE
Response Example
"loanCoin": "BUSD",
"collateralCoin": "BNB",
"remainingDebt": "100.5",
"remainingCollateral": "5.253",
"fullRepayment": false,
"currentLTV": "0.25",
"repayStatus": "Repaid" // Repaid, Repaying, Failed