Create a dual-token gift card(fixed value, discount feature)(TRADE)
API Description
This API is for creating a dual-token ( stablecoin-denominated) Binance Gift Card. You may create a gift card using USDT as baseToken, that is redeemable to another designated token (faceToken). For example, you can create a fixed-value BTC gift card and pay with 100 USDT plus 1 USDT fee. This gift card can keep the value fixed at 100 USDT before redemption, and will be redeemable to BTC equivalent to 100 USDT upon redemption.
Once successfully created, the amount of baseToken (e.g. USDT) in the fixed-value gift card along with the fee would be deducted from your funding wallet.
To get started with, please make sure:
- You have a Binance account
- You have passed KYB
- You have a sufficient balance(Gift Card amount and fee amount) in your Binance funding wallet
- You need Enable Withdrawals for the API Key which requests this endpoint.
HTTP Request
POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/buyCode
Request Weight(IP)
- Monthly creation volume: 4,200,000 USDC / month / account
- Monthly creation quantity: 6,000 Gift Cards / month / account
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
baseToken | STRING | YES | The token you want to pay, example: BUSD |
faceToken | STRING | YES | The token you want to buy, example: BNB. If faceToken = baseToken, it's the same as createCode endpoint. |
baseTokenAmount | DOUBLE | YES | The base token asset quantity, example : 1.002 |
recvWindow | LONG | NO | |
timestamp | LONG | YES |
Response Example
"code": "000000",
"message": "success",
"data": {
"referenceNo": "0033002144060553",
"code": "6H9EKF5ECCWFBHGE",
"expiredTime": 1727417154000
"success": true