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Create a dual-token gift card(fixed value, discount feature)(TRADE)

API Description

  • This API is for creating a dual-token ( stablecoin-denominated) Binance Gift Card. You may create a gift card using USDT as baseToken, that is redeemable to another designated token (faceToken). For example, you can create a fixed-value BTC gift card and pay with 100 USDT plus 1 USDT fee. This gift card can keep the value fixed at 100 USDT before redemption, and will be redeemable to BTC equivalent to 100 USDT upon redemption.

  • Once successfully created, the amount of baseToken (e.g. USDT) in the fixed-value gift card along with the fee would be deducted from your funding wallet.

  • To get started with, please make sure:

    • You have a Binance account
    • You have passed KYB
    • You have a sufficient balance(Gift Card amount and fee amount) in your Binance funding wallet
    • You need Enable Withdrawals for the API Key which requests this endpoint.

HTTP Request

POST /sapi/v1/giftcard/buyCode

Request Weight(IP)


  • Monthly creation volume: 4,200,000 USDC / month / account
  • Monthly creation quantity: 6,000 Gift Cards / month / account

Request Parameters

baseTokenSTRINGYESThe token you want to pay, example: BUSD
faceTokenSTRINGYESThe token you want to buy, example: BNB. If faceToken = baseToken, it's the same as createCode endpoint.
baseTokenAmountDOUBLEYESThe base token asset quantity, example : 1.002

Response Example

"code": "000000",
"message": "success",
"data": {
"referenceNo": "0033002144060553",
"code": "6H9EKF5ECCWFBHGE",
"expiredTime": 1727417154000
"success": true