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Query Managed Sub Account Transfer Log(For Investor Master Account)(USER_DATA)

API Description

Investor can use this api to query managed sub account transfer log. This endpoint is available for investor of Managed Sub-Account. A Managed Sub-Account is an account type for investors who value flexibility in asset allocation and account application, while delegating trades to a professional trading team. Please refer to link

HTTP Request

GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/queryTransLogForInvestor

Request Weight(IP)


Request Parameters

emailSTRINGYESManaged Sub Account Email
startTimeLONGYESStart Time
endTimeLONGYESEnd Time (The start time and end time interval cannot exceed half a year)
limitINTYESLimit (Max: 500)
transfersSTRINGNOTransfer Direction (FROM/TO)
transferFunctionAccountTypeSTRINGNOTransfer function account type (SPOT/MARGIN/ISOLATED_MARGIN/USDT_FUTURE/COIN_FUTURE)

Response Example

"managerSubTransferHistoryVos": [
"fromEmail": ""
"fromAccountType": "SPOT"
"toEmail": ""
"toAccountType": "SPOT"
"asset": "BNB"
"amount": "0.01"
"scheduledData": 1679416673000
"createTime": 1679416673000
"status": "SUCCESS"
"tranId": 91077779
"fromEmail": ""
"fromAccountType": "SPOT"
"toEmail": ""
"toAccountType": "SPOT"
"asset": "BNB"
"amount": "1"
"scheduledData": 1679416616000
"createTime": 1679416616000
"status": "SUCCESS"
"tranId": 91077676
"count": 2