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Query Managed Sub-account Margin Asset Details(For Investor Master Account)(USER_DATA)

API Description#

Investor can use this api to query managed sub account margin asset details

HTTP Request#

GET /sapi/v1/managed-subaccount/marginAsset

Request Weight(IP)#


Request Parameters#

emailSTRINGYESManaged Sub Account Email

Response Example#

{  marginLevel:"999"  totalAssetOfBtc:"0"  totalLiabilityOfBtc:"0"  totalNetAssetOfBtc:"0"  userAssets:[    0:{    asset:"MATIC"    borrowed:"0"    free:"0"    interest:"0"    locked:"0"    netAsset:"0"    },    1:{    asset:"VET"    borrowed:"0"    free:"0"    interest:"0"    locked:"0"    netAsset:"0"    },    2:{    asset:"BAKE"    borrowed:"0"    free:"0"    interest:"0"    locked:"0"    netAsset:"0"    }  ]}