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General endpoints


These terms will be used throughout the documentation, so it is recommended especially for new users to read to help their understanding of the API.

  • base asset refers to the asset that is the quantity of a symbol. For the symbol BTCUSDT, BTC would be the base asset.
  • quote asset refers to the asset that is the price of a symbol. For the symbol BTCUSDT, USDT would be the quote asset.

Test connectivity

GET /api/v3/ping

Test connectivity to the Rest API.

Weight: 1

Parameters: NONE

Data Source: Memory



Check server time

GET /api/v3/time

Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.

Weight: 1

Parameters: NONE

Data Source: Memory


"serverTime": 1499827319559

Exchange information

GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo

Current exchange trading rules and symbol information

Weight: 20


symbolSTRINGNoExample: curl -X GET ""
symbolsARRAY OF STRINGNoExamples: curl -X GET ",%22BTCUSDT%22%5D"
curl -g -X GET '["BTCUSDT","BNBBTC"]'
permissionsENUMNoExamples: curl -X GET ""
curl -X GET ""
curl -g -X GET '["MARGIN","LEVERAGED"]'
showPermissionSetsBOOLEANNoControls whether the content of the permissionSets field is populated or not. Defaults to true
symbolStatusENUMNoFilters symbols that have this tradingStatus. Valid values: TRADING, HALT, BREAK
Cannot be used in combination with symbols or symbol.


  • If the value provided to symbol or symbols do not exist, the endpoint will throw an error saying the symbol is invalid.
  • All parameters are optional.
  • permissions can support single or multiple values (e.g. SPOT, ["MARGIN","LEVERAGED"]). This cannot be used in combination with symbol or symbols.
  • If permissions parameter not provided, all symbols that have either SPOT, MARGIN, or LEVERAGED permission will be exposed.
    • To display symbols with any permission you need to specify them explicitly in permissions: (e.g. ["SPOT","MARGIN",...].). See Account and Symbol Permissions for the full list.

Examples of Symbol Permissions Interpretation from the Response:

  • [["A","B"]] means you may place an order if your account has either permission "A" or permission "B".
  • [["A"],["B"]] means you can place an order if your account has permission "A" and permission "B".
  • [["A"],["B","C"]] means you can place an order if your account has permission "A" and permission "B" or permission "C". (Inclusive or is applied here, not exclusive or, so your account may have both permission "B" and permission "C".)

Data Source: Memory


"timezone": "UTC",
"serverTime": 1565246363776,
"rateLimits": [
// These are defined in the `ENUM definitions` section under `Rate Limiters (rateLimitType)`.
// All limits are optional
"exchangeFilters": [
// These are the defined filters in the `Filters` section.
// All filters are optional.
"symbols": [
"symbol": "ETHBTC",
"status": "TRADING",
"baseAsset": "ETH",
"baseAssetPrecision": 8,
"quoteAsset": "BTC",
"quotePrecision": 8, // will be removed in future api versions (v4+)
"quoteAssetPrecision": 8,
"baseCommissionPrecision": 8,
"quoteCommissionPrecision": 8,
"orderTypes": [
"icebergAllowed": true,
"ocoAllowed": true,
"otoAllowed": true,
"quoteOrderQtyMarketAllowed": true,
"allowTrailingStop": false,
"isSpotTradingAllowed": true,
"isMarginTradingAllowed": true,
"filters": [
// These are defined in the Filters section.
// All filters are optional
"permissions": [],
"permissionSets": [
"defaultSelfTradePreventionMode": "NONE",
"allowedSelfTradePreventionModes": [
// Optional field. Present only when SOR is available.
"sors": [
"baseAsset": "BTC",
"symbols": [