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Official Documentation for the Binance APIs and Streams.

  • Official Announcements regarding changes, downtime, etc. to the API and Streams will be reported here:
  • Streams, endpoints, parameters, payloads, etc. described in the documents in this repository are considered official and supported.
  • The use of any other streams, endpoints, parameters, or payloads, etc. is not supported; use them at your own risk and with no guarantees.
enums.mdDetails on the enums used by REST and WebSocket API
errors.mdError codes and messages of Spot API
filters.mdDetails on the filters used by Spot API
rest-api.mdSpot REST API (/api)
web-socket-api.mdSpot WebSocket API
web-socket-streams.mdSpot Market Data WebSocket streams
user-data-stream.mdSpot User Data WebSocket streams
sbe_schemasSpot Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) schemas
testnetAPI docs for features available only on SPOT Testnet
Margin TradingDetails on Margin Trading
Derivative UM FuturesDetails on Derivative UM Futures (/fapi)
Derivative CM FuturesDetails on Derivative CM Futures (/dapi)
Derivative OptionsDetails on Derivative European Options (/eapi)
Derivative Portfolio MarginDetails on Derivative Portfolio Margin (/papi)
WalletDetails on Wallet endpoints (/sapi)
Sub AccountDetails on Sub-Account requests (/sapi)
Simple EarnDetails on Simple Earn
Dual InvestmentDetails on Dual Investment
Auto InvestDetails on Auto Invest
StakingDetails on Staking
MiningDetails on Mining
Algo TradingDetails on Algo Trading
Copy TradingDetails on Copy Trading
Porfolio Margin ProDetails on Portfolio Margin Pro
FiatDetails on Fiat
C2CDetails on C2C
VIP LoanDetails on VIP Loan
Crypto LoanDetails on Crypto Loan
PayDetails on Binance Pay
ConvertDetails on Convert API
RebateDetails on Spot Rebate
NFTDetails on NFT requests
Gift CardDetails on Gift Card API


spot_glossaryDefinition of terms used in the API
commissions_faqExplaining commission calculations on the API
trailing-stop-faqDetailed Information on the behavior of Trailing Stops on the API
stp_faqDetailed Information on the behavior of Self Trade Prevention (aka STP) on the API
market-data-onlyInformation on our market data only API and websocket streams.
sor_faqSmart Order Routing (SOR)
order_count_decrementUpdates to the Spot Order Count Limit Rules.
sbe_faqInformation on the implementation of Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) on the API

Change log

Please refer to CHANGELOG for latest changes on our APIs and Streamers.

Useful Resources

  • Postman Collections
    • Postman collections are available, and they are recommended for new users seeking a quick and easy start with the API.
  • Connectors
  • Swagger
    • A YAML file with OpenAPI specification for the RESTful API is available, along with a Swagger UI page for reference.
  • Spot Testnet
    • Users can use the SPOT Testnet to practice SPOT trading.
    • Currently, this is only available via the API.
    • Only endpoints starting with /api/* are supported, /sapi/* is not supported.

Contact Us

  • Binance API Telegram Group
    • For any questions regarding sudden drop in performance with the API and/or Websockets.
    • For any general questions about the API not covered in the documentation.
  • Binance Developers
    • For any questions/help regarding code implementation with API and/or Websockets.
  • Binance Customer Support
    • For cases such as missing funds, help with 2FA, etc.