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CHANGELOG for Binance SPOT Testnet (2024-10-02)

Note: All features here will only apply to the SPOT Testnet. This is not always synced with the live exchange.


REST and WebSocket API:


  • Spot Testnet now supports Unfilled Order Count. Please refer to this page on how you can decrement your unfilled order count when placing orders.
  • The documentation has been updated to reflect the wording.


General Changes:

  • New error messages have been added when quote quantity market orders (aka reverse market orders) are rejected in low-liquidity situations.



Note: This will be deployed starting around 7am UTC. Please consult the Spot Test Network's homepage to be informed of the release completion.

  • FIX Drop Copy sessions are now supported on the Spot Test Network.
  • New API Key permission FIX_API_READ_ONLY has been introduced.


General changes:

  • Fixed a bug where klines had incorrect timestamps.
    • REST API: GET /api/v3/klines and GET /api/v3/uiKlines with timeZone parameter
    • WebSocket API: klines and uiKlines with timeZone parameter
    • WebSocket Streams: <symbol>@kline_<interval>@+08:00 streams


  • FIX API will be available today (2024-06-21) on the Spot Test Network. Please consult the Spot Test Network's homepage to be informed of the release completion.
    • Using the FIX API requires an Ed25519 API Key with the FIX_API permission.
    • The release date on the live exchange has not been determined.


WebSocket Streams

  • Buyer order ID (b) and Seller order ID (a) have been removed from the Trade streams. (i.e. <symbol>@trade)
  • To monitor if your order was part of a trade, please listen to the User Data Streams.


WebSocket API

  • wss:// is now the primary URL for the Spot Testnet WebSocket API. Other URLs will be phased out over time.

WebSocket Streams

  • wss:// and wss:// are now the primary URLs for the Spot Testnet WebSocket Streams. Other URLs will be phased out over time.



  • orderRateLimitExceededMode has been added to POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace

WebSocket API

  • orderRateLimitExceededMode has been added to order.cancelReplace

WebSocket Streams

  • Kline/Candlestick streams can now support a UTC+8:00 timezone offset. (e.g. btcusdt@kline_1d@+08:00)


  • One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO) orders and One-Triggers-a-One-Cancels-The-Other (OTOCO) orders are now enabled.
  • New requests have been added:
    • REST API:
      • POST /api/v3/orderList/oto
      • POST /api/v3/orderList/otoco
    • WebSocket API:


General changes:

  • Symbol permission information in Exchange Information responses has moved from field permissions to field permissionSets.
  • Field permissions will be empty and will be removed in a future release.
  • Previously, "permissions":["SPOT","MARGIN"] meant that you could place an order on the symbol if your account had SPOT or MARGIN permissions. The equivalent is "permissionSets":[["SPOT","MARGIN"]]. (Note the extra set of square brackets.) Each array of permissions inside the permissionSets array is called a "permission set".
  • Symbol permissions can now be more complex. "permissionSets":[["SPOT","MARGIN"],["TRD_GRP_004","TRD_GRP_005"]] means that you may place an order on the symbol if your account has SPOT or MARGIN permissions and TRD_GRP_004 or TRD_GRP_005 permissions. There may be an arbitrary number of permission sets in a symbol's permissionSets.
  • The weight of the following requests has increased from 10 to 25:
    • GET /api/v3/trades
    • GET /api/v3/historicalTrades
    • trades.recent
    • trades.historical


  • The POST /api/v3/order/oco endpoint is now deprecated on the REST API. You should use the new POST /api/v3/orderList/oco endpoint instead. Note that this new endpoint uses different parameters.
  • POST /api/v3/order/oco has been removed from the Rest API documentation for SPOT Testnet.
  • otoAllowed will now appear on GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo, that indicates if One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO) orders are supported on that symbol.

WebSocket API

  • The request is now deprecated on the WebSocket API. You should now use the new request instead. Note that this new request uses different parameters.
  • has been removed from the WebSocket API documentation for SPOT Testnet.
  • otoAllowed will now appear on exchangeInfo, that indicates if One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO) orders are supported on that symbol.


  • A new schema 2:0 spot_2_0.xml has been released for SPOT Testnet. The current schema, 1:0 spot_1_0.xml, will thus be deprecated and retired from the Testnet APIs in 6 months as per our schema deprecation policy.
  • When using schema 1:0 on REST API or WebSocket API, group "permissions" in message "ExchangeInfoResponse" will always be empty. Upgrade to schema 2:0 to find permission information in group "permissionSets". See General changes above for more details.
  • Responses for deprecated OCO requests are supported by both schema 1:0 and 2:0


General changes:

  • GET /api/v3/account has a new optional parameter omitZeroBalances, allowing to hide all zero balances
  • account.status has a new optional parameter omitZeroBalances allowing to hide all zero balances.

User Data Stream:

  • New event listenKeyExpired is now emitted when a listenKey expires.