
CHANGELOG for Binance SPOT Testnet

Last Updated: 2025-03-05

Note: All features here will only apply to the SPOT Testnet. This is not always synced with the live exchange.


  • Notice: This is in the process of being deployed. Please consult the Spot Test Network's homepage to be informed of the release completion.
    The following request weights will be increased from 2 to 4:
    • REST API: GET /api/v3/aggTrade
    • WebSocket API: trades.aggregate
  • The documentation for both REST and WebSocket API has been updated to reflect the upcoming changes.


  • SBE Market Data Streams are now available. These streams offer a smaller payload and should offer better latency than the equivalent JSON streams for a subset of latency-sensitive market data streams.
  • Streams available in SBE format:
    • Real-time: trade stream
    • Real-time: best bid/ask
    • Every 100 ms: diff. depth
    • Every 100 ms: partial book depth
  • For more information please refer to the SBE Market Data Streams.


  • Notice: These changes will be deployed starting at 7:00 UTC, and may take several hours to complete. The following changes will apply to WebSocket Market Data Streams, User Data Streams, and the WebSocket API:
    • Our WebSocket services will send a ping frame every 20 seconds instead of 3 minutes.
    • The allowed pong delay will be 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.
    • The documentation for these services have been updated to reflect the change.
  • AggressorSide (2446) is now rendered in the FIX Market Data Trade Stream. The QuickFIX schema file has also been updated. Please download the latest schema before the Spot Testnet upgrade is completed.


  • FIX Market Data is now available. The FIX API documentation for SPOT Testnet has been updated regarding this feature.
  • Please refer to this link for the QuickFIX Schema for FIX Market Data.


Note: These changes will be deployed live starting 2024-11-28 and may take several hours for all features to work as intended.

New Feature: Microsecond support:

The system now supports microseconds in all related time and/or timestamp fields. Microsecond support is opt-in, by default the requests and responses still use milliseconds.

Examples in documentation are also using milliseconds for the foreseeable future.

WebSocket Streams

  • A new optional parameter timeUnit can be used in the connection URL to select the time unit.
    • For example: /stream?streams=btcusdt@trade&timeUnit=millisecond
    • Supported values are:
      • millisecond
      • microsecond
    • If the time unit is not selected, milliseconds will be used by default.


  • A new optional header X-MBX-TIME-UNIT can be sent in the request to select the time unit.
    • Supported values:
      • millisecond
      • microsecond
    • The time unit affects time-related parameters in requests (e.g, startTime, endTime, timestamp).
    • The time unit affects timestamp fields in responses (e.g., time, transactTime).
    • If the time unit is not selected, milliseconds will be used by default.

WebSocket API

  • A new optional parameter timeUnit can be used in the connection URL to select the time unit.
    • Supported values:
      • millisecond
      • microsecond
    • The time unit affects time-related parameters in requests (e.g, startTime, endTime, timestamp).
    • The time unit affects timestamp fields in responses (e.g., time, transactTime).
    • If the time unit is not selected, milliseconds will be used by default.

User Data Streams

  • A new optional parameter timeUnit can be used in the connection URL to select the time unit.
    • Supported values
      • microsecond
      • millisecond

General Changes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented orders from being placed when submitting OCOs on the BUY side without providing a stopPrice.

  • TAKE_PROFIT and TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT support has been added for OCOs.

    • Previously OCOs could only be composed by the following order types:
    • Now OCOs can be composed of the following order types:
    • This is supported by the following requests:
      • POST /api/v3/orderList/oco
      • POST /api/v3/orderList/otoco
      • orderList.place.oco
      • orderList.place.otoco
      • NewOrderList<E>
    • Error code -1167 will be obsolete after this update and will be removed from the documentation in a later update.
  • Timestamp parameters now reject values too far into the past or the future. To be specific, the parameter will be rejected if:

    • timestamp before 2017-01-01 (less than 1483228800000)
    • timestamp is more than 10 seconds after the current time (e.g., if current time is 1729745280000 then it is an error to use 1729745291000 or greater)
  • If startTime and/or endTime values are outside of range, the values will be adjusted to fit the correct range.

  • The field for quote order quantity (origQuoteOrderQty) has been added to responses that previously did not have it. Note that for order placement endpoints the field will only appear for requests with newOrderRespType set to RESULT or FULL.

    • Please refer to the table for requests with origQuoteOrderQty:
    RESTPOST /api/v3/order
    POST /api/v3/sor/order
    POST /api/v3/order/oco
    POST /api/v3/orderList/oco
    POST /api/v3/orderList/oto
    POST /api/v3/orderList/otoco
    DELETE /api/v3/order
    DELETE /api/v3/orderList
    POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace
    WebSocket APIorder.place


  • A new schema 2:1 spot_2_1.xml has been released. The current schema 2:0 spot_2_0.xml will thus be deprecated, and retired from the API in 6 months as per our schema deprecation policy.
  • Schema 2:1 is a backward compatible update of schema 2:0. You will always receive payloads in 2:1 format when you request either schema 2:0 or 2:1.
  • Changes in SBE schema 2:1:
    • New field origQuoteOrderQty in order placement/cancellation responses (Note: Decoders generated using the 2:0 schema will skip this field.):
      • NewOrderResultResponse
      • NewOrderFullResponse
      • CancelOrderResponse
      • NewOrderListResultResponse
      • NewOrderListFullResponse
      • CancelOrderListResponse
    • WebSocket API only: New field userDataStream in session status responses:
      • WebSocketSessionLogonResponse
      • WebSocketSessionStatusResponse
      • WebSocketSessionLogoutResponse
    • WebSocket API only: New messages for User Data Stream support:
      • UserDataStreamSubscribeResponse
      • UserDataStreamUnsubscribeResponse
      • BalanceUpdateEvent
      • EventStreamTerminatedEvent
      • ExecutionReportEvent
      • ExternalLockUpdateEvent
      • ListStatusEvent
      • OutboundAccountPositionEvent

WebSocket API

  • You can now subscribe to User Data Stream events through your WebSocket API connection.
    • Note: This feature is only available for users of Ed25519 API keys.
    • Note: New SBE schema 2:1 is required for User Data Stream subscriptions in SBE format.
  • New requests:
    • userDataStream.subscribe
    • userDataStream.unsubscribe
  • Changes to session.logon, session.status, and session.logout
    • Added a new field userDataStream indicating if the user data stream subscription is active.
  • Fixed a bug where you wouldn't receive a new listenKey using userDataStream.start after session.logon

User Data Stream

  • WebSocket API only: New event eventStreamTerminated is emitted when you either logout from your websocket session or you have unsubscribed from the user data stream.
  • New event externalLockUpdate is sent when your spot wallet balance is locked/unlocked by an external system.


  • The schema has been updated with a new Administrative message News <B>, which can be used for all FIX services. Receiving this message indicates that your connection is about to be closed.
  • Note: This message will be available in the live exchange at a later date.


Note: This is in the process of being deployed. Please consult the Spot Test Network's homepage to be informed of the release completion.

Changes to Exchange Information (i.e. GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo from REST and exchangeInfo for WebSocket API).

  • A new optional parameter showPermissionSets can be used to hide the permissions from permissionsSets; This can be used for a reduced payload size.
  • A new optional parameter symbolStatus can now be used to only show symbols with the specified status. (e.g. TRADING, HALT, BREAK)


REST and WebSocket API:


  • Spot Testnet now supports Unfilled Order Count. Please refer to this page on how you can decrement your unfilled order count when placing orders.
  • The documentation has been updated to reflect the wording.


General Changes:

  • New error messages have been added when quote quantity market orders (aka reverse market orders) are rejected in low-liquidity situations.



Note: This will be deployed starting around 7am UTC. Please consult the Spot Test Network's homepage to be informed of the release completion.

  • FIX Drop Copy sessions are now supported on the Spot Test Network.
  • New API Key permission FIX_API_READ_ONLY has been introduced.


General changes:

  • Fixed a bug where klines had incorrect timestamps.
    • REST API: GET /api/v3/klines and GET /api/v3/uiKlines with timeZone parameter
    • WebSocket API: klines and uiKlines with timeZone parameter
    • WebSocket Streams: <symbol>@kline_<interval>@+08:00 streams


  • FIX API will be available today (2024-06-21) on the Spot Test Network. Please consult the Spot Test Network's homepage to be informed of the release completion.
    • Using the FIX API requires an Ed25519 API Key with the FIX_API permission.
    • The release date on the live exchange has not been determined.


WebSocket Streams

  • Buyer order ID (b) and Seller order ID (a) have been removed from the Trade streams. (i.e. <symbol>@trade)
  • To monitor if your order was part of a trade, please listen to the User Data Streams.


WebSocket API

  • wss://ws-api.testnet.binance.vision/ws-api/v3 is now the primary URL for the Spot Testnet WebSocket API. Other URLs will be phased out over time.

WebSocket Streams

  • wss://stream.testnet.binance.vision/ws and wss://stream.testnet.binance.vision/stream are now the primary URLs for the Spot Testnet WebSocket Streams. Other URLs will be phased out over time.



  • orderRateLimitExceededMode has been added to POST /api/v3/order/cancelReplace

WebSocket API

  • orderRateLimitExceededMode has been added to order.cancelReplace

WebSocket Streams

  • Kline/Candlestick streams can now support a UTC+8:00 timezone offset. (e.g. btcusdt@kline_1d@+08:00)


  • One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO) orders and One-Triggers-a-One-Cancels-The-Other (OTOCO) orders are now enabled.
  • New requests have been added:
    • REST API:
      • POST /api/v3/orderList/oto
      • POST /api/v3/orderList/otoco
    • WebSocket API:
      • orderList.place.oto
      • orderList.place.otoco


General changes:

  • Symbol permission information in Exchange Information responses has moved from field permissions to field permissionSets.
  • Field permissions will be empty and will be removed in a future release.
  • Previously, "permissions":["SPOT","MARGIN"] meant that you could place an order on the symbol if your account had SPOT or MARGIN permissions. The equivalent is "permissionSets":[["SPOT","MARGIN"]]. (Note the extra set of square brackets.) Each array of permissions inside the permissionSets array is called a "permission set".
  • Symbol permissions can now be more complex. "permissionSets":[["SPOT","MARGIN"],["TRD_GRP_004","TRD_GRP_005"]] means that you may place an order on the symbol if your account has SPOT or MARGIN permissions and TRD_GRP_004 or TRD_GRP_005 permissions. There may be an arbitrary number of permission sets in a symbol's permissionSets.
  • The weight of the following requests has increased from 10 to 25:
    • GET /api/v3/trades
    • GET /api/v3/historicalTrades
    • trades.recent
    • trades.historical


  • The POST /api/v3/order/oco endpoint is now deprecated on the REST API. You should use the new POST /api/v3/orderList/oco endpoint instead. Note that this new endpoint uses different parameters.
  • POST /api/v3/order/oco has been removed from the Rest API documentation for SPOT Testnet.
  • otoAllowed will now appear on GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo, that indicates if One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO) orders are supported on that symbol.

WebSocket API

  • The orderList.place request is now deprecated on the WebSocket API. You should now use the new orderList.place.oco request instead. Note that this new request uses different parameters.
  • orderList.place has been removed from the WebSocket API documentation for SPOT Testnet.
  • otoAllowed will now appear on exchangeInfo, that indicates if One-Triggers-the-Other (OTO) orders are supported on that symbol.


  • A new schema 2:0 spot_2_0.xml has been released for SPOT Testnet. The current schema, 1:0 spot_1_0.xml, will thus be deprecated and retired from the Testnet APIs in 6 months as per our schema deprecation policy.
  • When using schema 1:0 on REST API or WebSocket API, group "permissions" in message "ExchangeInfoResponse" will always be empty. Upgrade to schema 2:0 to find permission information in group "permissionSets". See General changes above for more details.
  • Responses for deprecated OCO requests are supported by both schema 1:0 and 2:0


General changes:

  • GET /api/v3/account has a new optional parameter omitZeroBalances, allowing to hide all zero balances
  • account.status has a new optional parameter omitZeroBalances allowing to hide all zero balances.

User Data Stream:

  • New event listenKeyExpired is now emitted when a listenKey expires.