Market Data endpoints
Order book
GET /api/v3/depth
Weight: Adjusted based on the limit:
Limit | Request Weight |
1-100 | 5 |
101-500 | 25 |
501-1000 | 50 |
1001-5000 | 250 |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | |
limit | INT | NO | Default 100; max 5000. If limit > 5000. then the response will truncate to 5000. |
Data Source: Memory
"lastUpdateId": 1027024,
"bids": [
"4.00000000", // PRICE
"431.00000000" // QTY
"asks": [
Recent trades list
GET /api/v3/trades
Get recent trades.
Weight: 25
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | |
limit | INT | NO | Default 500; max 1000. |
Data Source: Memory
"id": 28457,
"price": "4.00000100",
"qty": "12.00000000",
"quoteQty": "48.000012",
"time": 1499865549590,
"isBuyerMaker": true,
"isBestMatch": true
Old trade lookup
GET /api/v3/historicalTrades
Get older trades.
Weight: 25
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | |
limit | INT | NO | Default 500; max 1000. |
fromId | LONG | NO | TradeId to fetch from. Default gets most recent trades. |
Data Source: Database
"id": 28457,
"price": "4.00000100",
"qty": "12.00000000",
"quoteQty": "48.000012",
"time": 1499865549590,
"isBuyerMaker": true,
"isBestMatch": true
Compressed/Aggregate trades list
GET /api/v3/aggTrades
Get compressed, aggregate trades. Trades that fill at the time, from the same taker order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated.
Weight: 4
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | |
fromId | LONG | NO | ID to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE. |
startTime | LONG | NO | Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE. |
endTime | LONG | NO | Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades until INCLUSIVE. |
limit | INT | NO | Default 500; max 1000. |
- If fromId, startTime, and endTime are not sent, the most recent aggregate trades will be returned.
Data Source: Database
"a": 26129, // Aggregate tradeId
"p": "0.01633102", // Price
"q": "4.70443515", // Quantity
"f": 27781, // First tradeId
"l": 27781, // Last tradeId
"T": 1498793709153, // Timestamp
"m": true, // Was the buyer the maker?
"M": true // Was the trade the best price match?
Kline/Candlestick data
GET /api/v3/klines
Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol. Klines are uniquely identified by their open time.
Weight: 2
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | |
interval | ENUM | YES | |
startTime | LONG | NO | |
endTime | LONG | NO | |
timeZone | STRING | NO | Default: 0 (UTC) |
limit | INT | NO | Default 500; max 1000. |
Supported kline intervals (case-sensitive):
Interval | interval value |
seconds | 1s |
minutes | 1m , 3m , 5m , 15m , 30m |
hours | 1h , 2h , 4h , 6h , 8h , 12h |
days | 1d , 3d |
weeks | 1w |
months | 1M |
- If
are not sent, the most recent klines are returned. - Supported values for
:- Hours and minutes (e.g.
) - Only hours (e.g.
) - Accepted range is strictly [-12:00 to +14:00] inclusive
- Hours and minutes (e.g.
- If
provided, kline intervals are interpreted in that timezone instead of UTC. - Note that
are always interpreted in UTC, regardless oftimeZone
Data Source: Database
1499040000000, // Kline open time
"0.01634790", // Open price
"0.80000000", // High price
"0.01575800", // Low price
"0.01577100", // Close price
"148976.11427815", // Volume
1499644799999, // Kline Close time
"2434.19055334", // Quote asset volume
308, // Number of trades
"1756.87402397", // Taker buy base asset volume
"28.46694368", // Taker buy quote asset volume
"0" // Unused field, ignore.
GET /api/v3/uiKlines
The request is similar to klines having the same parameters and response.
return modified kline data, optimized for presentation of candlestick charts.
Weight: 2
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | |
interval | ENUM | YES | See klines |
startTime | LONG | NO | |
endTime | LONG | NO | |
timeZone | STRING | NO | Default: 0 (UTC) |
limit | INT | NO | Default 500; max 1000. |
- If
are not sent, the most recent klines are returned. - Supported values for
:- Hours and minutes (e.g.
) - Only hours (e.g.
) - Accepted range is strictly [-12:00 to +14:00] inclusive
- Hours and minutes (e.g.
- If
provided, kline intervals are interpreted in that timezone instead of UTC. - Note that
are always interpreted in UTC, regardless oftimeZone
Data Source: Database
1499040000000, // Kline open time
"0.01634790", // Open price
"0.80000000", // High price
"0.01575800", // Low price
"0.01577100", // Close price
"148976.11427815", // Volume
1499644799999, // Kline close time
"2434.19055334", // Quote asset volume
308, // Number of trades
"1756.87402397", // Taker buy base asset volume
"28.46694368", // Taker buy quote asset volume
"0" // Unused field. Ignore.
Current average price
GET /api/v3/avgPrice
Current average price for a symbol.
Weight: 2
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES |
Data Source: Memory
"mins": 5, // Average price interval (in minutes)
"price": "9.35751834", // Average price
"closeTime": 1694061154503 // Last trade time
24hr ticker price change statistics
GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr
24 hour rolling window price change statistics. Careful when accessing this with no symbol.
Parameter | Symbols Provided | Weight |
symbol | 1 | 2 |
symbol parameter is omitted | 80 | |
symbols | 1-20 | 2 |
21-100 | 40 | |
101 or more | 80 | |
symbols parameter is omitted | 80 |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | NO | Parameter symbol and symbols cannot be used in combination. If neither parameter is sent, tickers for all symbols will be returned in an array. Examples of accepted format for the symbols parameter: ["BTCUSDT","BNBUSDT"] or %5B%22BTCUSDT%22,%22BNBUSDT%22%5D |
symbols | STRING | NO | |
type | ENUM | NO | Supported values: FULL or MINI. If none provided, the default is FULL |
Data Source: Memory
Response - FULL:
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"priceChange": "-94.99999800",
"priceChangePercent": "-95.960",
"weightedAvgPrice": "0.29628482",
"prevClosePrice": "0.10002000",
"lastPrice": "4.00000200",
"lastQty": "200.00000000",
"bidPrice": "4.00000000",
"bidQty": "100.00000000",
"askPrice": "4.00000200",
"askQty": "100.00000000",
"openPrice": "99.00000000",
"highPrice": "100.00000000",
"lowPrice": "0.10000000",
"volume": "8913.30000000",
"quoteVolume": "15.30000000",
"openTime": 1499783499040,
"closeTime": 1499869899040,
"firstId": 28385, // First tradeId
"lastId": 28460, // Last tradeId
"count": 76 // Trade count
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"priceChange": "-94.99999800",
"priceChangePercent": "-95.960",
"weightedAvgPrice": "0.29628482",
"prevClosePrice": "0.10002000",
"lastPrice": "4.00000200",
"lastQty": "200.00000000",
"bidPrice": "4.00000000",
"bidQty": "100.00000000",
"askPrice": "4.00000200",
"askQty": "100.00000000",
"openPrice": "99.00000000",
"highPrice": "100.00000000",
"lowPrice": "0.10000000",
"volume": "8913.30000000",
"quoteVolume": "15.30000000",
"openTime": 1499783499040,
"closeTime": 1499869899040,
"firstId": 28385, // First tradeId
"lastId": 28460, // Last tradeId
"count": 76 // Trade count
Response - MINI:
"symbol": "BNBBTC", // Symbol Name
"openPrice": "99.00000000", // Opening price of the Interval
"highPrice": "100.00000000", // Highest price in the interval
"lowPrice": "0.10000000", // Lowest price in the interval
"lastPrice": "4.00000200", // Closing price of the interval
"volume": "8913.30000000", // Total trade volume (in base asset)
"quoteVolume": "15.30000000", // Total trade volume (in quote asset)
"openTime": 1499783499040, // Start of the ticker interval
"closeTime": 1499869899040, // End of the ticker interval
"firstId": 28385, // First tradeId considered
"lastId": 28460, // Last tradeId considered
"count": 76 // Total trade count
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"openPrice": "99.00000000",
"highPrice": "100.00000000",
"lowPrice": "0.10000000",
"lastPrice": "4.00000200",
"volume": "8913.30000000",
"quoteVolume": "15.30000000",
"openTime": 1499783499040,
"closeTime": 1499869899040,
"firstId": 28385,
"lastId": 28460,
"count": 76
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"openPrice": "0.07000000",
"highPrice": "0.07000000",
"lowPrice": "0.07000000",
"lastPrice": "0.07000000",
"volume": "11.00000000",
"quoteVolume": "0.77000000",
"openTime": 1656908192899,
"closeTime": 1656994592899,
"firstId": 0,
"lastId": 10,
"count": 11
Trading Day Ticker
GET /api/v3/ticker/tradingDay
Price change statistics for a trading day.
4 for each requested symbol.
The weight for this request will cap at 200 once the number of symbols
in the request is more than 50.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | Either symbol or symbols must be provided Examples of accepted format for the symbols parameter: ["BTCUSDT","BNBUSDT"] or %5B%22BTCUSDT%22,%22BNBUSDT%22%5D The maximum number of symbols allowed in a request is 100. |
symbols | |||
timeZone | STRING | NO | Default: 0 (UTC) |
type | ENUM | NO | Supported values: FULL or MINI. If none provided, the default is FULL |
- Supported values for
:- Hours and minutes (e.g.
) - Only hours (e.g.
- Hours and minutes (e.g.
Data Source: Database
Response - FULL:
With symbol
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"priceChange": "-83.13000000", // Absolute price change
"priceChangePercent": "-0.317", // Relative price change in percent
"weightedAvgPrice": "26234.58803036", // quoteVolume / volume
"openPrice": "26304.80000000",
"highPrice": "26397.46000000",
"lowPrice": "26088.34000000",
"lastPrice": "26221.67000000",
"volume": "18495.35066000", // Volume in base asset
"quoteVolume": "485217905.04210480", // Volume in quote asset
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 3220151555, // Trade ID of the first trade in the interval
"lastId": 3220849281, // Trade ID of the last trade in the interval
"count": 697727 // Number of trades in the interval
With symbols
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"priceChange": "-83.13000000",
"priceChangePercent": "-0.317",
"weightedAvgPrice": "26234.58803036",
"openPrice": "26304.80000000",
"highPrice": "26397.46000000",
"lowPrice": "26088.34000000",
"lastPrice": "26221.67000000",
"volume": "18495.35066000",
"quoteVolume": "485217905.04210480",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 3220151555,
"lastId": 3220849281,
"count": 697727
"symbol": "BNBUSDT",
"priceChange": "2.60000000",
"priceChangePercent": "1.238",
"weightedAvgPrice": "211.92276958",
"openPrice": "210.00000000",
"highPrice": "213.70000000",
"lowPrice": "209.70000000",
"lastPrice": "212.60000000",
"volume": "280709.58900000",
"quoteVolume": "59488753.54750000",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 672397461,
"lastId": 672496158,
"count": 98698
Response - MINI:
With symbol
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"openPrice": "26304.80000000",
"highPrice": "26397.46000000",
"lowPrice": "26088.34000000",
"lastPrice": "26221.67000000",
"volume": "18495.35066000", // Volume in base asset
"quoteVolume": "485217905.04210480", // Volume in quote asset
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 3220151555, // Trade ID of the first trade in the interval
"lastId": 3220849281, // Trade ID of the last trade in the interval
"count": 697727 // Number of trades in the interval
With symbols
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"openPrice": "26304.80000000",
"highPrice": "26397.46000000",
"lowPrice": "26088.34000000",
"lastPrice": "26221.67000000",
"volume": "18495.35066000",
"quoteVolume": "485217905.04210480",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 3220151555,
"lastId": 3220849281,
"count": 697727
"symbol": "BNBUSDT",
"openPrice": "210.00000000",
"highPrice": "213.70000000",
"lowPrice": "209.70000000",
"lastPrice": "212.60000000",
"volume": "280709.58900000",
"quoteVolume": "59488753.54750000",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 672397461,
"lastId": 672496158,
"count": 98698
Symbol price ticker
GET /api/v3/ticker/price
Latest price for a symbol or symbols.
Parameter | Symbols Provided | Weight |
symbol | 1 | 2 |
symbol parameter is omitted | 4 | |
symbols | Any | 4 |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | NO | Parameter symbol and symbols cannot be used in combination. If neither parameter is sent, prices for all symbols will be returned in an array. Examples of accepted format for the symbols parameter: ["BTCUSDT","BNBUSDT"] or %5B%22BTCUSDT%22,%22BNBUSDT%22%5D |
symbols | STRING | NO |
Data Source: Memory
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"price": "4.00000200"
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"price": "4.00000200"
"symbol": "ETHBTC",
"price": "0.07946600"
Symbol order book ticker
GET /api/v3/ticker/bookTicker
Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols.
Parameter | Symbols Provided | Weight |
symbol | 1 | 2 |
symbol parameter is omitted | 4 | |
symbols | Any | 4 |
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | NO | Parameter symbol and symbols cannot be used in combination. If neither parameter is sent, bookTickers for all symbols will be returned in an array. Examples of accepted format for the symbols parameter: ["BTCUSDT","BNBUSDT"] or %5B%22BTCUSDT%22,%22BNBUSDT%22%5D |
symbols | STRING | NO |
Data Source: Memory
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"bidPrice": "4.00000000",
"bidQty": "431.00000000",
"askPrice": "4.00000200",
"askQty": "9.00000000"
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"bidPrice": "4.00000000",
"bidQty": "431.00000000",
"askPrice": "4.00000200",
"askQty": "9.00000000"
"symbol": "ETHBTC",
"bidPrice": "0.07946700",
"bidQty": "9.00000000",
"askPrice": "100000.00000000",
"askQty": "1000.00000000"
Rolling window price change statistics
GET /api/v3/ticker
Note: This endpoint is different from the GET /api/v3/ticker/24hr
The window used to compute statistics will be no more than 59999ms from the requested windowSize
for /api/v3/ticker
always starts on a minute, while the closeTime
is the current time of the request.
As such, the effective window will be up to 59999ms wider than windowSize
E.g. If the closeTime
is 1641287867099 (January 04, 2022 09:17:47:099 UTC) , and the windowSize
is 1d
. the openTime
will be: 1641201420000 (January 3, 2022, 09:17:00)
4 for each requested symbol regardless of windowSize.
The weight for this request will cap at 200 once the number of symbols
in the request is more than 50.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | Either symbol or symbols must be provided Examples of accepted format for the symbols parameter: ["BTCUSDT","BNBUSDT"] or %5B%22BTCUSDT%22,%22BNBUSDT%22%5D The maximum number of symbols allowed in a request is 100. |
symbols | |||
windowSize | ENUM | NO | Defaults to 1d if no parameter provided Supported windowSize values: 1m,2m....59m for minutes 1h, 2h....23h - for hours 1d...7d - for days Units cannot be combined (e.g. 1d2h is not allowed) |
type | ENUM | NO | Supported values: FULL or MINI. If none provided, the default is FULL |
Data Source: Database
Response - FULL:
When using symbol
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"priceChange": "-8.00000000", // Absolute price change
"priceChangePercent": "-88.889", // Relative price change in percent
"weightedAvgPrice": "2.60427807", // QuoteVolume / Volume
"openPrice": "9.00000000",
"highPrice": "9.00000000",
"lowPrice": "1.00000000",
"lastPrice": "1.00000000",
"volume": "187.00000000",
"quoteVolume": "487.00000000", // Sum of (price * volume) for all trades
"openTime": 1641859200000, // Open time for ticker window
"closeTime": 1642031999999, // Close time for ticker window
"firstId": 0, // Trade IDs
"lastId": 60,
"count": 61 // Number of trades in the interval
When using symbols
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"priceChange": "-154.13000000", // Absolute price change
"priceChangePercent": "-0.740", // Relative price change in percent
"weightedAvgPrice": "20677.46305250", // QuoteVolume / Volume
"openPrice": "20825.27000000",
"highPrice": "20972.46000000",
"lowPrice": "20327.92000000",
"lastPrice": "20671.14000000",
"volume": "72.65112300",
"quoteVolume": "1502240.91155513", // Sum of (price * volume) for all trades
"openTime": 1655432400000, // Open time for ticker window
"closeTime": 1655446835460, // Close time for ticker window
"firstId": 11147809, // Trade IDs
"lastId": 11149775,
"count": 1967 // Number of trades in the interval
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"priceChange": "0.00008530",
"priceChangePercent": "0.823",
"weightedAvgPrice": "0.01043129",
"openPrice": "0.01036170",
"highPrice": "0.01049850",
"lowPrice": "0.01033870",
"lastPrice": "0.01044700",
"volume": "166.67000000",
"quoteVolume": "1.73858301",
"openTime": 1655432400000,
"closeTime": 1655446835460,
"firstId": 2351674,
"lastId": 2352034,
"count": 361
Response - MINI:
When using symbol
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"openPrice": "0.10000000",
"highPrice": "2.00000000",
"lowPrice": "0.10000000",
"lastPrice": "2.00000000",
"volume": "39.00000000",
"quoteVolume": "13.40000000", // Sum of (price * volume) for all trades
"openTime": 1656986580000, // Open time for ticker window
"closeTime": 1657001016795, // Close time for ticker window
"firstId": 0, // Trade IDs
"lastId": 34,
"count": 35 // Number of trades in the interval
When using symbols
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"openPrice": "0.10000000",
"highPrice": "2.00000000",
"lowPrice": "0.10000000",
"lastPrice": "2.00000000",
"volume": "39.00000000",
"quoteVolume": "13.40000000", // Sum of (price * volume) for all trades
"openTime": 1656986880000, // Open time for ticker window
"closeTime": 1657001297799, // Close time for ticker window
"firstId": 0, // Trade IDs
"lastId": 34,
"count": 35 // Number of trades in the interval
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"openPrice": "0.07000000",
"highPrice": "0.07000000",
"lowPrice": "0.07000000",
"lastPrice": "0.07000000",
"volume": "33.00000000",
"quoteVolume": "2.31000000",
"openTime": 1656986880000,
"closeTime": 1657001297799,
"firstId": 0,
"lastId": 32,
"count": 33