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User's Force Orders(USER_DATA)

API Description#

User's Force Orders

HTTP Request#

GET /dapi/v1/forceOrders

Request Weight#

20 with symbol, 50 without symbol

Request Parameters#

Name      |  Type  | Mandatory |                         Description

------------- | ------ | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- symbol | STRING | NO | autoCloseType | ENUM | NO | "LIQUIDATION" for liquidation orders, "ADL" for ADL orders. startTime | LONG | NO | endTime | LONG | NO | limit | INT | NO | Default 50; max 100. recvWindow | LONG | NO | timestamp | LONG | YES |

  • If "autoCloseType" is not sent, orders with both of the types will be returned
  • If "startTime" is not sent, data within 200 days before "endTime" can be queried

Response Example#

[  {    "orderId": 165123080,    "symbol": "BTCUSD_200925",    "pair": "BTCUSD",    "status": "FILLED",    "clientOrderId": "autoclose-1596542005017000006",    "price": "11326.9",    "avgPrice": "11326.9",    "origQty": "1",    "executedQty": "1",    "cumBase": "0.00882854",    "timeInForce": "IOC",    "type": "LIMIT",    "reduceOnly": false,    "closePosition": false,    "side": "SELL",    "positionSide": "BOTH",    "stopPrice": "0",    "workingType": "CONTRACT_PRICE",    "priceProtect": false,    "origType": "LIMIT",    "time": 1596542005019,    "updateTime": 1596542005050  },  {    "orderId": 207251986,    "symbol": "BTCUSD_200925",    "pair": "BTCUSD",    "status": "FILLED",    "clientOrderId": "autoclose-1597307316020000006",    "price": "11619.4",    "avgPrice": "11661.2",    "origQty": "1",    "executedQty": "1",    "cumBase": "0.00857544",    "timeInForce": "IOC",    "type": "LIMIT",    "reduceOnly": false,    "closePosition": false,    "side": "SELL",    "positionSide": "LONG",    "stopPrice": "0",    "workingType": "CONTRACT_PRICE",    "priceProtect": false,    "origType": "LIMIT",    "time": 1597307316022,    "updateTime": 1597307316035  }]