Create Special Key(Low-Latency Trading)(TRADE)
API Description
**Binance Margin offers low-latency trading through a special key, available exclusively to users with VIP level 4 or higher. **
If you are VIP level 3 or below, please contact your VIP manager for eligibility criterias.
We support several types of API keys:
- Ed25519 (recommended)
We recommend to use Ed25519 API keys as it should provide the best performance and security out of all supported key types. We accept PKCS#8 (BEGIN PUBLIC KEY). For how to generate an RSA key pair to send API requests on Binance. Please refer to the document below FAQ .
Read REST API or WebSocket API documentation to learn how to use different API keys
You need to enable Permits “Enable Spot & Margin Trading” option for the API Key which requests this endpoint.
HTTP Request
POST /sapi/v1/margin/apiKey
Request Weight
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
apiName | STRING | YES | |
symbol | STRING | NO | isolated margin pair |
ip | STRING | NO | Can be added in batches, separated by commas. Max 30 for an API key |
publicKey | STRING | NO | 1. If publicKey is inputted it will create an RSA or Ed25519 key. 2. Need to be encoded to URL-encoded format |
permissionMode | enum | NO | This parameter is only for the Ed25519 API key, and does not effact for other encryption methods. The value can be TRADE (TRADE for all permissions) or READ (READ for USER_DATA, FIX_API_READ_ONLY). The default value is TRADE. |
recvWindow | LONG | NO | The value cannot be greater than 60000 |
timestamp | LONG | YES |
Response Example
"secretKey":"87ssWB7azoy6ACRfyp6OVOL5U3rtZptX31QWw2kWjl1jHEYRbyM1pd6qykRBQw8p" //secretKey will be null when creating an RSA key
"type": "HMAC_SHA256" //HMAC_SHA256 or RSA