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Query Margin Account's OCO (USER_DATA)

API Description#

Retrieves a specific OCO based on provided optional parameters

HTTP Request#

GET /sapi/v1/margin/orderList

Request Weight#


Request Parameters#

isIsolatedSTRINGNOfor isolated margin or not, "TRUE", "FALSE",default "FALSE"
symbolSTRINGNOmandatory for isolated margin, not supported for cross margin
orderListIdLONGNOEither orderListId or origClientOrderId must be provided
origClientOrderIdSTRINGNOEither orderListId or origClientOrderId must be provided
recvWindowLONGNOThe value cannot be greater than 60000

Response Example#

{  "orderListId": 27,  "contingencyType": "OCO",  "listStatusType": "EXEC_STARTED",  "listOrderStatus": "EXECUTING",  "listClientOrderId": "h2USkA5YQpaXHPIrkd96xE",  "transactionTime": 1565245656253,  "symbol": "LTCBTC",  "isIsolated": false,       // if isolated margin  "orders": [    {      "symbol": "LTCBTC",      "orderId": 4,      "clientOrderId": "qD1gy3kc3Gx0rihm9Y3xwS"    },    {      "symbol": "LTCBTC",      "orderId": 5,      "clientOrderId": "ARzZ9I00CPM8i3NhmU9Ega"    }  ]}