Query Margin Account's OCO (USER_DATA)
API Description
Retrieves a specific OCO based on provided optional parameters
HTTP Request
GET /sapi/v1/margin/orderList
Request Weight
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
isIsolated | STRING | NO | for isolated margin or not, "TRUE", "FALSE",default "FALSE" |
symbol | STRING | NO | mandatory for isolated margin, not supported for cross margin |
orderListId | LONG | NO | Either orderListId or origClientOrderId must be provided |
origClientOrderId | STRING | NO | Either orderListId or origClientOrderId must be provided |
recvWindow | LONG | NO | The value cannot be greater than 60000 |
timestamp | LONG | YES |
Response Example
"orderListId": 27,
"contingencyType": "OCO",
"listStatusType": "EXEC_STARTED",
"listOrderStatus": "EXECUTING",
"listClientOrderId": "h2USkA5YQpaXHPIrkd96xE",
"transactionTime": 1565245656253,
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"isIsolated": false, // if isolated margin
"orders": [
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"orderId": 4,
"clientOrderId": "qD1gy3kc3Gx0rihm9Y3xwS"
"symbol": "LTCBTC",
"orderId": 5,
"clientOrderId": "ARzZ9I00CPM8i3NhmU9Ega"