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Deposit Questionnaire Contents (for existing local entities)

Local Entities


depositOriginatorINTEGERYES0:Myself, 1:Not Myself
bnfTypeINTEGERYES0:Individual, 1:Corporate/Entity
countrySTRINGYES *1Originator country code, ISO 2 digit, lower case.
regionSTRINGYES *2Originator region
citySTRINGYES *1Originator’s city/village/town.
kanjiNameSTRINGYES *1
kanaNameSTRINGYES *1
latinNameSTRINGYES *1
  1. Required when depositOriginator is 1.
  2. Required when country is cn(China) or ua(Ukraine).
    1. If country is cn(China), region must be notNortheasternProvinces (Jilin, Liaoning and Heilongjiang) or other.
    2. If country is ua(Ukraine), region should not be crimea, donetsk or luhansk,should be other.


originatorNameSTRINGYESName of originator.
countrySTRINGYESOriginator country code, ISO 2 digit, lower case.
citySTRINGYESOriginator’s city/village/town.


depositOriginatorINTEGERYES1:Send to myself, 2:Send to another beneficiary
orgTypeINTEGERYES *10:Individual, 1:Corporate/Entity
residencySTRINGYES *1Originator's residence country code, ISO 2 digit, lower case.
countrySTRINGYES *1Originator's nationality code, ISO 2 digit, lower case.
receiveFromINTEGERYES1:Private Wallet, 2:Another VASP
vaspSTRINGYES *2Vasp CODE of the beneficiary
vaspNameSTRINGYES *3
  1. Required when depositOriginator is 2.
  2. Required when receiveFrom is 2.
  3. Required when vasp is others.
  4. If vasp is not in the Onboarded VASP List, please input others within vasp and the name of the exchange within vaspName field.
  5. The VASP code of Binance is BINANCE.


depositOriginatorINTEGERYES1:Send to myself, 2:Send to another beneficiary
orgTypeINTEGERYES *10:Individual, 1:Corporate/Entity
orgNameSTRINGYES *1Originator's Name
panSTRINGYES *1Permanent Account Number (PAN) or National ID Number
countrySTRINGYES *1Originator's nationality code, ISO 2 digit, lower case.
stateSTRINGYES *1Originator's State
citySTRINGYES *1Originator’s City/Village/Town
addressSTRINGYES *1
receiveFromINTEGERYES1:Private Wallet, 2:Another VASP
vaspNameSTRINGYES *2
  1. Required when depositOriginator is 2.
  2. Required when receiveFrom is 2.


depositOriginatorINTEGERYES1:Send to myself, 2:Send to another beneficiary
orgTypeINTEGERYES *10:Individual, 1:Corporate/Entity
orgNameSTRINGYES *2Originator's Name
countrySTRINGYES *2Originator's nationality code, ISO 2 digit, lower case.
corpNameSTRINGYES *3Originator's (corporation) Name
corpCountrySTRINGYES *3Originator's (corporation) nationality code, ISO 2 digit, lower case.
receiveFromINTEGERYES1:Private Wallet, 2:Another VASP
vaspSTRINGYES *4Vasp CODE of the beneficiary
vaspNameSTRINGYES *5
  1. Required when depositOriginator is 2.
  2. Required when orgType is 0.
  3. Required when orgType is 1.
  4. Required when receiveFrom is 2.
  5. If vasp is not Binance, please input others within vasp and the name of the exchange within vaspName field.