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Withdraw (for local entities that require travel rule) (USER_DATA)

API Description#

Submit a withdrawal request for local entities that required travel rule.

HTTP Request#

POST /sapi/v1/localentity/withdraw/apply

Request Weight(UID)#


Request Parameters#

withdrawOrderIdSTRINGNOclient id for withdraw
addressTagSTRINGNOSecondary address identifier for coins like XRP,XMR etc.
transactionFeeFlagBOOLEANNOWhen making internal transfer, true for returning the fee to the destination account; false for returning the fee back to the departure account. Default false.
nameSTRINGNODescription of the address. Address book cap is 200, space in name should be encoded into %20
walletTypeINTEGERNOThe wallet type for withdraw,0-spot wallet ,1-funding wallet. Default walletType is the current "selected wallet" under wallet->Fiat and Spot/Funding->Deposit
questionnaireSTRINGYESJSON format questionnaire answers.
  • If network not send, return with default network of the coin.
  • You can get network and isDefault in networkList of a coin in the response of Get /sapi/v1/capital/config/getall (HMAC SHA256).
  • Questionnaire is different for each local entity, please refer to the Withdraw Questionnaire Contents page.

Response Example#

{    "trId": 123456, # The travel rule record Id    "accpted": true, # Whether the withdraw request is accepted    "info": "Withdraw request accepted" # The detailed infomation of the withdrawal result.}