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Withdraw History (for local entities that require travel rule) (supporting network) (USER_DATA)

API Description

Fetch withdraw history for local entities that required travel rule.

HTTP Request

GET /sapi/v2/localentity/withdraw/history

Request Weight(IP)

18000 Request limit: 10 requests per second

  • This endpoint specifically uses per second IP rate limit, user's total second level IP rate limit is 180000/second. Response from the endpoint contains header key X-SAPI-USED-IP-WEIGHT-1S, which defines weight used by the current IP.

Request Parameters

trIdSTRINGNOComma(,) separated list of travel rule record Ids.
txIdSTRINGNOComma(,) separated list of transaction Ids.
withdrawOrderIdSTRINGNOWithdraw ID defined by the client (i.e. client's internal withdrawID).
offsetINTNODefault: 0
limitINTNODefault: 1000, Max: 1000
startTimeLONGNODefault: 90 days from current timestamp
endTimeLONGNODefault: present timestamp
  • network may not be in the response for old withdraw.
  • Withdrawal made through /sapi/v1/capital/withdraw/apply may not be in the response.
  • Please notice the default startTime and endTime to make sure that time interval is within 0-90 days.
  • If both startTime and endTimeare sent, time between startTimeand endTimemust be less than 90 days.
  • If withdrawOrderId is sent, time between startTime and endTime must be less than 7 days.
  • If withdrawOrderId is sent, startTime and endTime are not sent, will return last 7 days records by default.
  • Maximum support trId,txId number is 45.
  • WithdrawOrderId only support 1.
  • If responsible does not include withdrawalStatus, please input trId or txId retrieve the data.

Response Example

"id": "b6ae22b3aa844210a7041aee7589627c", // Withdrawal id in Binance
"trId": 1234456, // Travel rule record id
"amount": "8.91000000", // withdrawal amount
"transactionFee": "0.004", // only available for sAPI requests
"coin": "USDT",
"withdrawalStatus": 6, // Capital withdrawal status, only available for sAPI requests
"travelRuleStatus": 0, // Travel rule status.
"address": "0x94df8b352de7f46f64b01d3666bf6e936e44ce60",
"addressTag": "1231212",
"txId": "0xb5ef8c13b968a406cc62a93a8bd80f9e9a906ef1b3fcf20a2e48573c17659268" // withdrawal transaction id
"applyTime": "2019-10-12 11:12:02", // UTC time
"network": "ETH",
"transferType": 0 // 1 for internal transfer, 0 for external transfer, only available for sAPI requests
"withdrawOrderId": "WITHDRAWtest123", // will not be returned if there's no withdrawOrderId for this withdraw, only available for sAPI requests
"info": "The address is not valid. Please confirm with the recipient", // reason for withdrawal failure, only available for sAPI requests
"confirmNo":3, // confirm times for withdraw, only available for sAPI requests
"walletType": 1, //1: Funding Wallet 0:Spot Wallet, only available for sAPI requests
"txKey": "", // only available for sAPI requests
"questionnaire": "{\'question1\':\'answer1\',\'question2\':\'answer2\'}", // The answers of the questionnaire
"completeTime": "2023-03-23 16:52:41" // complete UTC time when user's asset is deduct from withdrawing, only if status = 6(success)
"id": "156ec387f49b41df8724fa744fa82719",
"trId": 2231556234,
"amount": "0.00150000",
"transactionFee": "0.004",
"coin": "BTC",
"withdrawalStatus": 6,
"travelRuleStatus": 0,
"address": "1FZdVHtiBqMrWdjPyRPULCUceZPJ2WLCsB",
"txId": "60fd9007ebfddc753455f95fafa808c4302c836e4d1eebc5a132c36c1d8ac354"
"applyTime": "2019-09-24 12:43:45",
"network": "BTC",
"transferType": 0,
"info": "",
"confirmNo": 2,
"walletType": 1,
"txKey": "",
"questionnaire": "{\'question1\':\'answer1\',\'question2\':\'answer2\'}",
"completeTime": "2023-03-23 16:52:41"