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File Architecture#

A mini program consists of two layers: the app and the page. The app layer describes the complete application, whereas the page layer delineates individual pages. Also, there is an optional configuration detailing the entire project.

The core of a Mini Program is built on three files, which must be located in the project's root directory:

app.jsyesHouses Mini Program logic
app.jsonyesContains common Mini Program settings
app.bxssnoServes as a common style sheet for the Mini Program

A page consists of 4 files, all of which must share a filename and be placed in the same folder.

File TypeRequiredPurpose
jsyesDefines page logic
bxmlYesDescribes page structure
jsonNoConfigures the page
bxssNoStyles the page

Below is the typical structure of a project's directory:

.└── src/    ├─ app.js    ├── app.json    ├── app.bxss    └── pages/        └── detail/            ├── index.js            ├── index.bxml            ├── index.bxss            └── index.json

Code Architecture#

The Mini Program framework includes two key components: the Logic Layer (App Service) and the View Layer (View). A Mini Program is equipped with its own view layer languages, BXML and BXSS, and a logic layer framework based on JavaScript. Additionally, there is a system for data transfer and event coordination between the two layers, which allows developers to concentrate on data and logic.

Reactive Data Binding#

The reactive data binding system formulates the core of the framework. It offers a remarkably simple means to ensure data and view synchronization. Modifying the data requires a simple alteration on the logic layer, after which it will get updated on the view layer.

Here's a simple illustration:

Run a Preview with the Developer Tool

<!-- This represents our View --><view> Hello {{name}}! </view><button bindtap="changeName"> Click me! </button>
// This is our data.var helloData = {  name: 'Binance'}
// Registration of a Page.Page({  data: helloData,  changeName: function(e) {    // Data change sent to the view    this.setData({      name: 'World'    })  }})

This example demonstrates how developers can use the framework to bind the 'name' in the logic layer data to 'name' in the view layer. This ensures that 'Hello Binance!' appears when the page opens. Upon clicking the button, the view layer sends 'changeName' events to the logic layer, which identifies and executes the corresponding event handler. After triggering the callback function, the logic layer executes setData to change the name in data from 'Binance' to 'World'. As this data is bound to the view layer, 'Hello World!' automatically applies to the view layer.

Note: Since the framework does not run in the browser, certain JavaScript capabilities in the web are not available, such as 'document', 'window', etc.

Style File#

The style file has additional features and includes a new size unit called 'rpx'.

Style Size Unit#

rpx (responsive pixel) is an adaptive size unit that adjusts according to screen width.

As per standard, the screen's width is set to 750rpx.

For instance, on an iPhone6, the screen's width is 375px with 750 physical pixels, therefore 750rpx = 375px = 750 physical pixels, and 1rpx = 0.5px = 1 physical pixel.

Devicerpx to px (screen's width/750)px to rpx (750/screen's width)
iPhone51rpx = 0.42px1px = 2.34rpx
iPhone61rpx = 0.5px1px = 2rpx
iPhone6 Plus1rpx = 0.552px1px = 1.81rpx

Suggestion: For the development of Binance Mini Programme, iPhone6 specifications could serve as a standard reference for designers.

Attention: One should be aware that specific inevitable limitations may arise on exceedingly small screens. As far as possible, please endeavor to avoid such scenarios.

Style Import#

By using the @import statement, external stylesheets can be incorporated. Following the @import statement, the relative path of the external stylesheet has to be mentioned and the line must conclude with a semicolon (;).

Example code:

/** common.bxss **/.small-p {  padding:5px;}
/** app.bxss **/@import "common.bxss";.middle-p {  padding:15px;}

Incorporating Third-party NPM Modules#

Mini programs support the integration of third-party modules. Install the necessary module by executing the following command in the project's root directory.

$ npm install i18n --save

Note: Please bear in mind that the third-party module's browser-related web capabilities, such as DOM operations or window.location, are unavailable.