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New UM Order (TRADE)

API Description

Place new UM order

HTTP Request

POST /papi/v1/um/order

Request Weight(Order)


Request Parameters

positionSideENUMNODefault BOTH for One-way Mode ; LONG or SHORT for Hedge Mode. It must be sent in Hedge Mode.
reduceOnlySTRINGNO"true" or "false". default "false". Cannot be sent in Hedge Mode .
newClientOrderIdSTRINGNOA unique id among open orders. Automatically generated if not sent. Can only be string following the rule: ^[\.A-Z\:/a-z0-9_-]{1,32}$
newOrderRespTypeENUMNOACK, RESULT, default ACK
priceMatchENUMNOonly avaliable for LIMIT/STOP/TAKE_PROFIT order; can be set to OPPONENT/ OPPONENT_5/ OPPONENT_10/ OPPONENT_20: /QUEUE/ QUEUE_5/ QUEUE_10/ QUEUE_20; Can't be passed together with price
selfTradePreventionModeENUMNONONE:No STP / EXPIRE_TAKER:expire taker order when STP triggers/ EXPIRE_MAKER:expire taker order when STP triggers/ EXPIRE_BOTH:expire both orders when STP triggers
goodTillDateLONGNOorder cancel time for timeInForce GTD, mandatory when timeInforce set to GTD; order the timestamp only retains second-level precision, ms part will be ignored; The goodTillDate timestamp must be greater than the current time plus 600 seconds and smaller than 253402300799000Mode. It must be sent in Hedge Mode.

Additional mandatory parameters based on type:

TypeAdditional mandatory parameters
LIMITtimeInForce, quantity, price
  • If newOrderRespType is sent as RESULT :
    • MARKET order: the final FILLED result of the order will be return directly.
    • LIMIT order with special timeInForce: the final status result of the order(FILLED or EXPIRED) will be returned directly.
  • selfTradePreventionMode is only effective when timeInForce set to IOC or GTC or GTD.
  • In extreme market conditions, timeInForce GTD order auto cancel time might be delayed comparing to goodTillDate

Response Example

"clientOrderId": "testOrder",
"cumQty": "0",
"cumQuote": "0",
"executedQty": "0",
"orderId": 22542179,
"avgPrice": "0.00000",
"origQty": "10",
"price": "0",
"reduceOnly": false,
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "SHORT",
"status": "NEW",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"timeInForce": "GTD",
"type": "MARKET",
"selfTradePreventionMode": "NONE", //self trading preventation mode
"goodTillDate": 1693207680000, //order pre-set auot cancel time for TIF GTD order
"updateTime": 1566818724722,
"priceMatch": "NONE"