Index Price Kline/Candlestick Data
API Description
Kline/candlestick bars for the index price of a pair. Klines are uniquely identified by their open time.
HTTP Request
GET /fapi/v1/indexPriceKlines
Request Weight
based on parameter LIMIT
LIMIT | weight |
[1,100) | 1 |
[100, 500) | 2 |
[500, 1000] | 5 |
> 1000 | 10 |
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
pair | STRING | YES | |
interval | ENUM | YES | |
startTime | LONG | NO | |
endTime | LONG | NO | |
limit | INT | NO | Default 500; max 1500. |
- If startTime and endTime are not sent, the most recent klines are returned.
Response Example
1591256400000, // Open time
"9653.69440000", // Open
"9653.69640000", // High
"9651.38600000", // Low
"9651.55200000", // Close (or latest price)
"0 ", // Ignore
1591256459999, // Close time
"0", // Ignore
60, // Ignore
"0", // Ignore
"0", // Ignore
"0" // Ignore