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Quick Start

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Welcome aboard the Binance Mini Program, an avant-garde development framework expressly conceived for Binance. Our dynamic platform equips developers with the capability to rapidly concoct mini program applications harnessing web-based technology. These applications are tailored to function impeccably with the Binance app. Furthermore, our Mini Program unfolds a wide array of APIs and services designed to facilitate developers with swift access to the abundance of Binance's offerings, thereby accelerating the growth of their business ventures.

This guide is your swift-start navigator, providing a clear path within the Mini Program.

Overall Development Process#

graph TD A[Create a new App] --> B(Write codes) B --> C(Debug with DevServer) B --> E(Upload to Management) E --> F(Set as Experience Version) E --> G(Submit for review) G -->|Pass review|H(Run on Binance app) F --> H I(Register and login on Management) --> J(Create a new App) J --> E

Download The Binance DevTools#

Before diving into development, equip yourself with Binance Devtools.

Jump to download to get our streamlined installer. Post installation, you can login the Binance Devtools with your Binance credentials.

Generate Your Mini Program#

Post login to the Binance Devtools, select the '+' icon, fill in your innovative mini program's name and project path, and press 'Create'. Voila! Your new mini program is ready for exploration!



Zero in on your freshly created mini program, double click to open it. Welcome to the interactive interface of Binance Devtools!


Showcasing the App in Merchant Workspace#

The mini program created by the skilled Binance Devtools comes with a default AppID. You need to register and login to our efficient Merchant Workspace to further your development experience. Here, you can apply for a mini program, obtain the AppID, and fill in the relevant details. We extend the feature of version control in the Merchant Workspace for you to either release the beta version or submit the final edition for our expert review.

Compile and preview#

Press 'Compile' on our toolbar to view the real-time rendition of your ambitious mini program on the Binance Devtools simulator.

Fancy experiencing the mini program on your personal device? Simply replace the default AppID with the one you've successfully applied for. Click 'Preview' to generate an exclusive QR code, and voila! Use your Binance app to scan the QR code and immerse yourself in the mini program experience.


Showcase Your App#

Upload the mini-program files using Binance Devtools. The minute upload is successful, your current version details will pop up in the backend.


Bring Your App to the Spotlight#

Prod your app for meticulous review using the merchant workspace. Once the review is cleared, your visionary app will become searchable on the prestigious Binance app and users across the globe will be able to open and use it directly.