
Market data requests

Order book

"id": "51e2affb-0aba-4821-ba75-f2625006eb43",
"method": "depth",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"limit": 5

Get current order book.

Note that this request returns limited market depth.

If you need to continuously monitor order book updates, please consider using WebSocket Streams:

You can use depth request together with <symbol>@depth streams to maintain a local order book.

Weight: Adjusted based on the limit:



limitINTNODefault 100; max 5000

Data Source: Memory


"id": "51e2affb-0aba-4821-ba75-f2625006eb43",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"lastUpdateId": 2731179239,
// Bid levels are sorted from highest to lowest price.
"bids": [
"0.01379900", // Price
"3.43200000" // Quantity
// Ask levels are sorted from lowest to highest price.
"asks": [
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

Recent trades

"id": "409a20bd-253d-41db-a6dd-687862a5882f",
"method": "trades.recent",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"limit": 1

Get recent trades.

If you need access to real-time trading activity, please consider using WebSocket Streams:

Weight: 25


limitINTNODefault 500; max 1000

Data Source: Memory


"id": "409a20bd-253d-41db-a6dd-687862a5882f",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"id": 194686783,
"price": "0.01361000",
"qty": "0.01400000",
"quoteQty": "0.00019054",
"time": 1660009530807,
"isBuyerMaker": true,
"isBestMatch": true
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

Historical trades

"id": "cffc9c7d-4efc-4ce0-b587-6b87448f052a",
"method": "trades.historical",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"fromId": 0,
"limit": 1

Get historical trades.

Weight: 25


fromIdINTNOTrade ID to begin at
limitINTNODefault 500; max 1000


  • If fromId is not specified, the most recent trades are returned.

Data Source: Database


"id": "cffc9c7d-4efc-4ce0-b587-6b87448f052a",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"id": 0,
"price": "0.00005000",
"qty": "40.00000000",
"quoteQty": "0.00200000",
"time": 1500004800376,
"isBuyerMaker": true,
"isBestMatch": true
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 10

Aggregate trades

"id": "189da436-d4bd-48ca-9f95-9f613d621717",
"method": "trades.aggregate",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"fromId": 50000000,
"limit": 1

Get aggregate trades.

An aggregate trade (aggtrade) represents one or more individual trades. Trades that fill at the same time, from the same taker order, with the same price – those trades are collected into an aggregate trade with total quantity of the individual trades.

If you need access to real-time trading activity, please consider using WebSocket Streams:

If you need historical aggregate trade data, please consider using data.binance.vision.

Weight: 2


fromIdINTNOAggregate trade ID to begin at
limitINTNODefault 500; max 1000


  • If fromId is specified, return aggtrades with aggregate trade ID >= fromId.

    Use fromId and limit to page through all aggtrades.

  • If startTime and/or endTime are specified, aggtrades are filtered by execution time (T).

    fromId cannot be used together with startTime and endTime.

  • If no condition is specified, the most recent aggregate trades are returned.

Data Source: Database


"id": "189da436-d4bd-48ca-9f95-9f613d621717",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"a": 50000000, // Aggregate trade ID
"p": "0.00274100", // Price
"q": "57.19000000", // Quantity
"f": 59120167, // First trade ID
"l": 59120170, // Last trade ID
"T": 1565877971222, // Timestamp
"m": true, // Was the buyer the maker?
"M": true // Was the trade the best price match?
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2


"id": "1dbbeb56-8eea-466a-8f6e-86bdcfa2fc0b",
"method": "klines",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"interval": "1h",
"startTime": 1655969280000,
"limit": 1

Get klines (candlestick bars).

Klines are uniquely identified by their open & close time.

If you need access to real-time kline updates, please consider using WebSocket Streams:

If you need historical kline data, please consider using data.binance.vision.

Weight: 2


timeZoneSTRINGNODefault: 0 (UTC)
limitINTNODefault 500; max 1000

Supported kline intervals (case-sensitive):

Intervalinterval value
minutes1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m
hours1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h
days1d, 3d


  • If startTime, endTime are not specified, the most recent klines are returned.
  • Supported values for timeZone:
    • Hours and minutes (e.g. -1:00, 05:45)
    • Only hours (e.g. 0, 8, 4)
    • Accepted range is strictly [-12:00 to +14:00] inclusive
  • If timeZone provided, kline intervals are interpreted in that timezone instead of UTC.
  • Note that startTime and endTime are always interpreted in UTC, regardless of timeZone.

Data Source: Database


"id": "1dbbeb56-8eea-466a-8f6e-86bdcfa2fc0b",
"status": 200,
"result": [
1655971200000, // Kline open time
"0.01086000", // Open price
"0.01086600", // High price
"0.01083600", // Low price
"0.01083800", // Close price
"2290.53800000", // Volume
1655974799999, // Kline close time
"24.85074442", // Quote asset volume
2283, // Number of trades
"1171.64000000", // Taker buy base asset volume
"12.71225884", // Taker buy quote asset volume
"0" // Unused field, ignore
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

UI Klines

"id": "b137468a-fb20-4c06-bd6b-625148eec958",
"method": "uiKlines",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"interval": "1h",
"startTime": 1655969280000,
"limit": 1

Get klines (candlestick bars) optimized for presentation.

This request is similar to klines, having the same parameters and response. uiKlines return modified kline data, optimized for presentation of candlestick charts.

Weight: 2


intervalENUMYESSee klines
timeZoneSTRINGNODefault: 0 (UTC)
limitINTNODefault 500; max 1000


  • If startTime, endTime are not specified, the most recent klines are returned.
  • Supported values for timeZone:
    • Hours and minutes (e.g. -1:00, 05:45)
    • Only hours (e.g. 0, 8, 4)
    • Accepted range is strictly [-12:00 to +14:00] inclusive
  • If timeZone provided, kline intervals are interpreted in that timezone instead of UTC.
  • Note that startTime and endTime are always interpreted in UTC, regardless of timeZone.

Data Source: Database


"id": "b137468a-fb20-4c06-bd6b-625148eec958",
"status": 200,
"result": [
1655971200000, // Kline open time
"0.01086000", // Open price
"0.01086600", // High price
"0.01083600", // Low price
"0.01083800", // Close price
"2290.53800000", // Volume
1655974799999, // Kline close time
"24.85074442", // Quote asset volume
2283, // Number of trades
"1171.64000000", // Taker buy base asset volume
"12.71225884", // Taker buy quote asset volume
"0" // Unused field, ignore
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

Current average price

"id": "ddbfb65f-9ebf-42ec-8240-8f0f91de0867",
"method": "avgPrice",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC"

Get current average price for a symbol.

Weight: 2



Data Source: Memory


"id": "ddbfb65f-9ebf-42ec-8240-8f0f91de0867",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"mins": 5, // Average price interval (in minutes)
"price": "9.35751834", // Average price
"closeTime": 1694061154503 // Last trade time
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

24hr ticker price change statistics

"id": "93fb61ef-89f8-4d6e-b022-4f035a3fadad",
"method": "ticker.24hr",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC"

Get 24-hour rolling window price change statistics.

If you need to continuously monitor trading statistics, please consider using WebSocket Streams:

If you need different window sizes, use the ticker request.

Weight: Adjusted based on the number of requested symbols:

101 or more80
all symbols80


Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING NO Query ticker for a single symbol
symbols ARRAY of STRING Query ticker for multiple symbols
type ENUM NO Ticker type: FULL (default) or MINI


  • symbol and symbols cannot be used together.

  • If no symbol is specified, returns information about all symbols currently trading on the exchange.

Data Source: Memory


FULL type, for a single symbol:

"id": "93fb61ef-89f8-4d6e-b022-4f035a3fadad",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"priceChange": "0.00013900",
"priceChangePercent": "1.020",
"weightedAvgPrice": "0.01382453",
"prevClosePrice": "0.01362800",
"lastPrice": "0.01376700",
"lastQty": "1.78800000",
"bidPrice": "0.01376700",
"bidQty": "4.64600000",
"askPrice": "0.01376800",
"askQty": "14.31400000",
"openPrice": "0.01362800",
"highPrice": "0.01414900",
"lowPrice": "0.01346600",
"volume": "69412.40500000",
"quoteVolume": "959.59411487",
"openTime": 1660014164909,
"closeTime": 1660100564909,
"firstId": 194696115, // First trade ID
"lastId": 194968287, // Last trade ID
"count": 272173 // Number of trades
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

MINI type, for a single symbol:

"id": "9fa2a91b-3fca-4ed7-a9ad-58e3b67483de",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"openPrice": "0.01362800",
"highPrice": "0.01414900",
"lowPrice": "0.01346600",
"lastPrice": "0.01376700",
"volume": "69412.40500000",
"quoteVolume": "959.59411487",
"openTime": 1660014164909,
"closeTime": 1660100564909,
"firstId": 194696115, // First trade ID
"lastId": 194968287, // Last trade ID
"count": 272173 // Number of trades
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

If more than one symbol is requested, response returns an array:

"id": "901be0d9-fd3b-45e4-acd6-10c580d03430",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"priceChange": "0.00016500",
"priceChangePercent": "1.213",
"weightedAvgPrice": "0.01382508",
"prevClosePrice": "0.01360800",
"lastPrice": "0.01377200",
"lastQty": "1.01400000",
"bidPrice": "0.01377100",
"bidQty": "7.55700000",
"askPrice": "0.01377200",
"askQty": "4.37900000",
"openPrice": "0.01360700",
"highPrice": "0.01414900",
"lowPrice": "0.01346600",
"volume": "69376.27900000",
"quoteVolume": "959.13277091",
"openTime": 1660014615517,
"closeTime": 1660101015517,
"firstId": 194697254,
"lastId": 194969483,
"count": 272230
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"priceChange": "-938.06000000",
"priceChangePercent": "-3.938",
"weightedAvgPrice": "23265.34432003",
"prevClosePrice": "23819.17000000",
"lastPrice": "22880.91000000",
"lastQty": "0.00536000",
"bidPrice": "22880.40000000",
"bidQty": "0.00424000",
"askPrice": "22880.91000000",
"askQty": "0.04276000",
"openPrice": "23818.97000000",
"highPrice": "23933.25000000",
"lowPrice": "22664.69000000",
"volume": "153508.37606000",
"quoteVolume": "3571425225.04441220",
"openTime": 1660014615977,
"closeTime": 1660101015977,
"firstId": 1592019902,
"lastId": 1597301762,
"count": 5281861
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

Trading Day Ticker

"id": "f4b3b507-c8f2-442a-81a6-b2f12daa030f",
"method": "ticker.tradingDay",
"params": {
"symbols": [
"timeZone": "00:00"

Price change statistics for a trading day.


4 for each requested symbol.

The weight for this request will cap at 200 once the number of symbols in the request is more than 50.


Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING YES Query ticker of a single symbol
symbols ARRAY of STRING Query ticker for multiple symbols
timeZone STRING NO Default: 0 (UTC)
type ENUM NO Supported values: FULL or MINI.
If none provided, the default is FULL


  • Supported values for timeZone:
    • Hours and minutes (e.g. -1:00, 05:45)
    • Only hours (e.g. 0, 8, 4)

Data Source: Database

Response: - FULL

With symbol:

"id": "f4b3b507-c8f2-442a-81a6-b2f12daa030f",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"priceChange": "-83.13000000", // Absolute price change
"priceChangePercent": "-0.317", // Relative price change in percent
"weightedAvgPrice": "26234.58803036", // quoteVolume / volume
"openPrice": "26304.80000000",
"highPrice": "26397.46000000",
"lowPrice": "26088.34000000",
"lastPrice": "26221.67000000",
"volume": "18495.35066000", // Volume in base asset
"quoteVolume": "485217905.04210480",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 3220151555,
"lastId": 3220849281,
"count": 697727
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 4

With symbols:

"id": "f4b3b507-c8f2-442a-81a6-b2f12daa030f",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"priceChange": "-83.13000000",
"priceChangePercent": "-0.317",
"weightedAvgPrice": "26234.58803036",
"openPrice": "26304.80000000",
"highPrice": "26397.46000000",
"lowPrice": "26088.34000000",
"lastPrice": "26221.67000000",
"volume": "18495.35066000",
"quoteVolume": "485217905.04210480",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 3220151555,
"lastId": 3220849281,
"count": 697727
"symbol": "BNBUSDT",
"priceChange": "2.60000000",
"priceChangePercent": "1.238",
"weightedAvgPrice": "211.92276958",
"openPrice": "210.00000000",
"highPrice": "213.70000000",
"lowPrice": "209.70000000",
"lastPrice": "212.60000000",
"volume": "280709.58900000",
"quoteVolume": "59488753.54750000",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 672397461,
"lastId": 672496158,
"count": 98698
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 8

Response: - MINI

With symbol:

"id": "f4b3b507-c8f2-442a-81a6-b2f12daa030f",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"openPrice": "26304.80000000",
"highPrice": "26397.46000000",
"lowPrice": "26088.34000000",
"lastPrice": "26221.67000000",
"volume": "18495.35066000", // Volume in base asset
"quoteVolume": "485217905.04210480", // Volume in quote asset
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 3220151555, // Trade ID of the first trade in the interval
"lastId": 3220849281, // Trade ID of the last trade in the interval
"count": 697727 // Number of trades in the interval
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 4

With symbols:

"id": "f4b3b507-c8f2-442a-81a6-b2f12daa030f",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"openPrice": "26304.80000000",
"highPrice": "26397.46000000",
"lowPrice": "26088.34000000",
"lastPrice": "26221.67000000",
"volume": "18495.35066000",
"quoteVolume": "485217905.04210480",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 3220151555,
"lastId": 3220849281,
"count": 697727
"symbol": "BNBUSDT",
"openPrice": "210.00000000",
"highPrice": "213.70000000",
"lowPrice": "209.70000000",
"lastPrice": "212.60000000",
"volume": "280709.58900000",
"quoteVolume": "59488753.54750000",
"openTime": 1695686400000,
"closeTime": 1695772799999,
"firstId": 672397461,
"lastId": 672496158,
"count": 98698
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 8

Rolling window price change statistics

"id": "f4b3b507-c8f2-442a-81a6-b2f12daa030f",
"method": "ticker",
"params": {
"symbols": [
"windowSize": "7d"

Get rolling window price change statistics with a custom window.

This request is similar to ticker.24hr, but statistics are computed on demand using the arbitrary window you specify.

Note: Window size precision is limited to 1 minute. While the closeTime is the current time of the request, openTime always start on a minute boundary. As such, the effective window might be up to 59999 ms wider than the requested windowSize.

Window computation example

For example, a request for "windowSize": "7d" might result in the following window:

"openTime": 1659580020000,
"closeTime": 1660184865291,

Time of the request – closeTime – is 1660184865291 (August 11, 2022 02:27:45.291). Requested window size should put the openTime 7 days before that – August 4, 02:27:45.291 – but due to limited precision it ends up a bit earlier: 1659580020000 (August 4, 2022 02:27:00), exactly at the start of a minute.

If you need to continuously monitor trading statistics, please consider using WebSocket Streams:

Weight: Adjusted based on the number of requested symbols:

1–504 per symbol


Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING YES Query ticker of a single symbol
symbols ARRAY of STRING Query ticker for multiple symbols
type ENUM NO Ticker type: FULL (default) or MINI
windowSize ENUM NO Default 1d

Supported window sizes:

UnitwindowSize value
minutes1m, 2m ... 59m
hours1h, 2h ... 23h
days1d, 2d ... 7d


  • Either symbol or symbols must be specified.

  • Maximum number of symbols in one request: 200.

  • Window size units cannot be combined. E.g., 1d 2h is not supported.

Data Source: Database


FULL type, for a single symbol:

"id": "f4b3b507-c8f2-442a-81a6-b2f12daa030f",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"priceChange": "0.00061500",
"priceChangePercent": "4.735",
"weightedAvgPrice": "0.01368242",
"openPrice": "0.01298900",
"highPrice": "0.01418800",
"lowPrice": "0.01296000",
"lastPrice": "0.01360400",
"volume": "587179.23900000",
"quoteVolume": "8034.03382165",
"openTime": 1659580020000,
"closeTime": 1660184865291,
"firstId": 192977765, // First trade ID
"lastId": 195365758, // Last trade ID
"count": 2387994 // Number of trades
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 4

MINI type, for a single symbol:

"id": "bdb7c503-542c-495c-b797-4d2ee2e91173",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"openPrice": "0.01298900",
"highPrice": "0.01418800",
"lowPrice": "0.01296000",
"lastPrice": "0.01360400",
"volume": "587179.23900000",
"quoteVolume": "8034.03382165",
"openTime": 1659580020000,
"closeTime": 1660184865291,
"firstId": 192977765, // First trade ID
"lastId": 195365758, // Last trade ID
"count": 2387994 // Number of trades
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 4

If more than one symbol is requested, response returns an array:

"id": "f4b3b507-c8f2-442a-81a6-b2f12daa030f",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"priceChange": "0.00061500",
"priceChangePercent": "4.735",
"weightedAvgPrice": "0.01368242",
"openPrice": "0.01298900",
"highPrice": "0.01418800",
"lowPrice": "0.01296000",
"lastPrice": "0.01360400",
"volume": "587169.48600000",
"quoteVolume": "8033.90114517",
"openTime": 1659580020000,
"closeTime": 1660184820927,
"firstId": 192977765,
"lastId": 195365700,
"count": 2387936
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"priceChange": "1182.92000000",
"priceChangePercent": "5.113",
"weightedAvgPrice": "23349.27074846",
"openPrice": "23135.33000000",
"highPrice": "24491.22000000",
"lowPrice": "22400.00000000",
"lastPrice": "24318.25000000",
"volume": "1039498.10978000",
"quoteVolume": "24271522807.76838630",
"openTime": 1659580020000,
"closeTime": 1660184820927,
"firstId": 1568787779,
"lastId": 1604337406,
"count": 35549628
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 8

Symbol price ticker

"id": "043a7cf2-bde3-4888-9604-c8ac41fcba4d",
"method": "ticker.price",
"params": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC"

Get the latest market price for a symbol.

If you need access to real-time price updates, please consider using WebSocket Streams:

Weight: Adjusted based on the number of requested symbols:



Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING NO Query price for a single symbol
symbols ARRAY of STRING Query price for multiple symbols


  • symbol and symbols cannot be used together.

  • If no symbol is specified, returns information about all symbols currently trading on the exchange.

Data Source: Memory


"id": "043a7cf2-bde3-4888-9604-c8ac41fcba4d",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"price": "0.01361900"
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

If more than one symbol is requested, response returns an array:

"id": "e739e673-24c8-4adf-9cfa-b81f30330b09",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"price": "0.01363700"
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"price": "24267.15000000"
"symbol": "BNBBUSD",
"price": "331.10000000"
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 4

Symbol order book ticker

"id": "057deb3a-2990-41d1-b58b-98ea0f09e1b4",
"method": "ticker.book",
"params": {
"symbols": [

Get the current best price and quantity on the order book.

If you need access to real-time order book ticker updates, please consider using WebSocket Streams:

Weight: Adjusted based on the number of requested symbols:



Name Type Mandatory Description
symbol STRING NO Query ticker for a single symbol
symbols ARRAY of STRING Query ticker for multiple symbols


  • symbol and symbols cannot be used together.

  • If no symbol is specified, returns information about all symbols currently trading on the exchange.

Data Source: Memory


"id": "9d32157c-a556-4d27-9866-66760a174b57",
"status": 200,
"result": {
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"bidPrice": "0.01358000",
"bidQty": "12.53400000",
"askPrice": "0.01358100",
"askQty": "17.83700000"
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 2

If more than one symbol is requested, response returns an array:

"id": "057deb3a-2990-41d1-b58b-98ea0f09e1b4",
"status": 200,
"result": [
"symbol": "BNBBTC",
"bidPrice": "0.01358000",
"bidQty": "12.53400000",
"askPrice": "0.01358100",
"askQty": "17.83700000"
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"bidPrice": "23980.49000000",
"bidQty": "0.01000000",
"askPrice": "23981.31000000",
"askQty": "0.01512000"
"rateLimits": [
"rateLimitType": "REQUEST_WEIGHT",
"interval": "MINUTE",
"intervalNum": 1,
"limit": 6000,
"count": 4