Place Multiple Orders(TRADE)
API Description
Place Multiple Orders
HTTP Request
POST /fapi/v1/batchOrders
Request Weight
5 on 10s order rate limit(X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-10S); 1 on 1min order rate limit(X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-1M); 5 on IP rate limit(x-mbx-used-weight-1m);
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
batchOrders | LIST<JSON> | YES | order list. Max 5 orders |
recvWindow | LONG | NO | |
timestamp | LONG | YES |
Where batchOrders
is the list of order parameters in JSON
- Example: /fapi/v1/batchOrders?batchOrders=[{"type":"LIMIT","timeInForce":"GTC",
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
symbol | STRING | YES | |
side | ENUM | YES | |
positionSide | ENUM | NO | Default BOTH for One-way Mode ; LONG or SHORT for Hedge Mode. It must be sent with Hedge Mode. |
type | ENUM | YES | |
timeInForce | ENUM | NO | |
quantity | DECIMAL | YES | |
reduceOnly | STRING | NO | "true" or "false". default "false". |
price | DECIMAL | NO | |
newClientOrderId | STRING | NO | A unique id among open orders. Automatically generated if not sent. Can only be string following the rule: ^[\.A-Z\:/a-z0-9_-]{1,36}$ |
activationPrice | DECIMAL | NO | Used with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET orders, default as the latest price(supporting different workingType ) |
callbackRate | DECIMAL | NO | Used with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET orders, min 0.1, max 4 where 1 for 1% |
workingType | ENUM | NO | stopPrice triggered by: "MARK_PRICE", "CONTRACT_PRICE". Default "CONTRACT_PRICE" |
priceProtect | STRING | NO | "TRUE" or "FALSE", default "FALSE". Used with STOP/STOP_MARKET or TAKE_PROFIT/TAKE_PROFIT_MARKET orders. |
newOrderRespType | ENUM | NO | "ACK", "RESULT", default "ACK" |
priceMatch | ENUM | NO | only avaliable for LIMIT /STOP /TAKE_PROFIT order; can be set to OPPONENT / OPPONENT_5 / OPPONENT_10 / OPPONENT_20 : /QUEUE / QUEUE_5 / QUEUE_10 / QUEUE_20 ; Can't be passed together with price |
selfTradePreventionMode | ENUM | NO | EXPIRE_TAKER :expire taker order when STP triggers/ EXPIRE_MAKER :expire taker order when STP triggers/ EXPIRE_BOTH :expire both orders when STP triggers; default NONE |
goodTillDate | LONG | NO | order cancel time for timeInForce GTD , mandatory when timeInforce set to GTD ; order the timestamp only retains second-level precision, ms part will be ignored; The goodTillDate timestamp must be greater than the current time plus 600 seconds and smaller than 253402300799000 |
- Paremeter rules are same with
New Order
- Batch orders are processed concurrently, and the order of matching is not guaranteed.
- The order of returned contents for batch orders is the same as the order of the order list.
Response Example
"clientOrderId": "testOrder",
"cumQty": "0",
"cumQuote": "0",
"executedQty": "0",
"orderId": 22542179,
"avgPrice": "0.00000",
"origQty": "10",
"price": "0",
"reduceOnly": false,
"side": "BUY",
"positionSide": "SHORT",
"status": "NEW",
"stopPrice": "9300", // please ignore when order type is TRAILING_STOP_MARKET
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"timeInForce": "GTC",
"activatePrice": "9020", // activation price, only return with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET order
"priceRate": "0.3", // callback rate, only return with TRAILING_STOP_MARKET order
"updateTime": 1566818724722,
"workingType": "CONTRACT_PRICE",
"priceProtect": false, // if conditional order trigger is protected
"priceMatch": "NONE", //price match mode
"selfTradePreventionMode": "NONE", //self trading preventation mode
"goodTillDate": 1693207680000 //order pre-set auot cancel time for TIF GTD order
"code": -2022,
"msg": "ReduceOnly Order is rejected."